7 Simple Tips on Creating Your Own Workplace at Home

With the rise of the digital world, working from home has become an increasingly popular trend and a preferable one too. Creating a workspace at home has many advantages, if done correctly, it will help you feel motivated and inspired to wake up every day and start hustling! If you are planning to make the transition from office to home or you just want to have a great work space there, then this article is for you.

Inspiration is everything


Browsing for inspiration is the first step to take when wanting to set up a décor for your home office. Let Pinterest be your best friend and start browsing till you find something that catches your eye.

Choose a dedicated area


Now it’s time to find that perfect spot to set up your home office. Ideally, the office should be set up in a quiet and private area to avoid any interruptions. Whether you need a large area or a small area is entirely up to you but make sure you have enough space to stretch and move around.

Get comfy

Via Homespace

Style is important but always choose comfort. Remember that the office is a place you’ll be spending a lot of time in, so choose wisely. You’ll probably want to invest in a comfy chair that makes you want to put in the hours. Maybe throw in some pillows and a bean bag for that 10-minute break.

Lighting is important

Via Freshome

If you don’t have your desk setup near a window you’ll want you invest in proper lighting, and even if you do have your desk setup near natural lighting, you’ll want to make sure that you have enough light for the afterhours. You don’t want to spend most of your time squinting your eyes, because everyone knows that squinting causes wrinkles, duuh!

Get creative with storage

Via Comfy

Having papers and files scattered around the office is not attractive nor comfortable, also you don’t want to have all your office supplies out and about on your desk. There are a number of storage ideas out there to get you organized such as drawers, shelves, bookcases, closets and magazine racks.

Invest in the right supplies


You’ll want to become economical and invest in things you actually want to use in the office. You can make a list of all the things you actually need and stick to them. For example, it’s good to spend money on décor but you don’t want to go all out and add stuff just because they ‘look good’.

Separate personal from professional


When setting up a home office, it is important to keep your personal life from mixing with your business life and vice versa. To further reduce confusion, try to store records, personal checks and even mail in a room separate from your office.

Rana Awadalla

When she's not busy breaking down gender roles or writing about feminism, sexism and all the isms that exist at the workplace as 925's Staff Writer, you'll find her by a beach somewhere listening to Lana Del Rey and reading a book.