RiseUp Summit 2018 is upon us, making it the time of the year where all of Egypt’s greatest businesses, entrepreneurs and investors gather in the heart of Downtown Cairo to network, socialize and learn from one another. RiseUp Summit is a also place where small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs can learn new skills and information from the region’s top business figures and that is what their 101 workshops aspire to offer. Below, we have gathered our top seven 101 workshops (that can be accessed for free via a normal RiseUp ticket) happening at #RiseUp18 that cater to a wide range of business needs.
From Founder to CEO

Lead Liason
Hosted by: Mohamed Hossam, CEO at Internet Plus and Founder of Fatakat
Description: As long as your startup is still looking for an identity, things are managed in a certain way and you become an expert at what you are doing. But what happens when it achieves the product-market fit and things begin to scale exponentially? Join the workshop to see why most founders fail at managing their growing up businesses!
Build an iOS App That Apple Will Love

Via Udemy
Hosted by: Attia Mohamedein, iOS Engineer at elmenus, SwiftCairo Community Manager and Co-Founder
Description: As of 2017, the app store features over 2.1 million apps, maybe yours is one of them, but are you really building an app that Apple would love? In this workshop, you’ll learn how to take advantage of features introduced in iOS 9, 10, 11, and 12, such as spotlight search, Siri shortcuts, 3D touch, and quick actions to make your apps appear and function better, faster and more efficient with little effort.
Meet Me Where Strategy and Creativity Intersect

Via allthingsdibo
Hosted by: Mohamed el Dib, Managing Partner at Monkeys In Tuxedos
Description: This workshop will delve into the intersection between strategy and creativity. All businesses of all sizes need to find this sweet spot and capitalize on it in order to roll the ball fast.
The Ultimate Blueprint for Building a Million Dollar Sales Funnel For Your Business

Via 123RF.com
Hosted by: Sherif Makhlouf, Digital Strategy Consultant
Description: This step by step approach that will reveal the ingredients you will need to create a high converting marketing funnel in 2018. Get to know how to implement the RPP Method (Relevancy, Presence and Persuasion) to be able to get customer on demand for your business. Learn the customer acquisition strategy implemented by the likes of Sales Force, Shopify, and Mailchimp. This is highly relevant for SaaS, Service providers and B2C consumer products.
Fashion Business 101

Via TrendSurvivor
Hosted by: Claire Seffeen, Founder of The Design Narratives
Description: Running a successful fashion business requires around 90% business acumen and 10% artistic ability. The aim of the workshop is to bridge the gap between the design and business sides of running your own label. Participants will be provided a practical overview of the key elements required to give their brand a chance to compete favorably within a demanding, unforgiving and competitive industry.
Transitioning From Conventional Marketing to Digital Marketing

Via Fifteen Design
Hosted by: Dina Ghabbour, CMO of Halan
Description: Having joined a tech company that is largely driven by digital marketing, she shares her experience in adapting to the evolution of different marketing channels. This workshop will focus on the importance of digital marketing in today’s world and the balance between traditional and digital marketing.
Why is Content Marketing Important?

Via Marketo Blog
Hosted by: Nour AlHassan, Founder of UREED and Tarjama
Description: In this workshop, AlHassan will be discussing how great content helps influence conversions; website conversion rate is nearly 6X higher for content marketing adopters than non- adopters. It will also go through the three major areas of the marketing funnel that everyone needs to think about while developing any digital marketing campaigns.
Secure your spot at RiseUp by booking tickets via this link.