Have you ever noticed the litter that is piling up in the Nile? It takes away from the beauty and safety of the waterway. Well, social enterprise Greenish has decided to do something about it by launching their VeryNile cleanup initiative today.
The project was launched with Bassita, and was made into a possibility with the help of Seascout, Clickfunding and Nile Taxi. This function is the first large scale event of its kind, and it helped spread awareness on the importance of preserving and keeping the Nile clean.
“The VeryNile event showed us that we are doing something that matters. People care, but most importantly, they can see the problem and want to do something about it,” Shady Abdalla, Co-Founder of Greenish tells us. “We were blessed by amazing energy and wonderful 250 volunteers who donated their time to kickstart this project. I am very proud that we managed to collect 1.5 tons of trash in two hours.”
Abdallah continued by telling us that what happened today was only just the start of a more sustainable solution. “This is what happens when we people come unite with one another to transform and solve the trash problem in the Nile,” he added.