What it’s Like to Be an Extrovert at the Office

I’m a mixer who finds joy in lively scenes that are congested with people. Coming out as a social person is simply a chunk of my DNA. Naturally, I wake up with a smile on my face and crack jokes whenever I get the chance to. I don’t know if this is something I was born with or it happened due to my upbringing but talking to people (this includes all people, not just friends) and making them comfortable around my existence is actually what floats my boat. On a serious note, I have to tell you that no matter how much life desperately tries to tell us that not everyone deserves our chummy social graces, we the “Extroverts,” never stop. That’s just how our world works!

Of course, being an extrovert at the office is always a plus. You get to be everyone’s sweetheart, except for the “Introverts.” To them, you usually come off as a person on ecstasy, whilst all you want to do is over-talk. But seriously speaking, some things maybe extremely misunderstood when it comes to the word “EXTROVERT!”  First of all, talking a lot and making friends with everyone doesn’t mean that we’re apple-polishing anyone. Silence kills us, that’s all! Second, for most extroverts, a sense of humor is what keeps them functioning throughout the day. By all means, we do not try to goof around or waste time, we just like to have fun especially around people. Third and this is the most important thing, sometimes our worlds collapse too. So, automatically we get sad and shut off our gregarious mood button. We’re not resilient to sadness you know, we just don’t know how to show that much. But when we do, we don’t really like to be asked constantly, why we’re acting this way or coming off as rude? All that we need is understanding and the space to get our true colors back.

Stating a final point before ending, as weird and freaky as it sounds, we literally love everyone.

Nour Hossam

Nour is one of the most gregarious people you could ever come across. She literally loves everyone! She spends half of her life stuffing her face with food, and the other half trying to lose weight at the gym. Her shining example is Mulan because she would not hesitate to do anything for the people she loves. When she's not busy writing for 925 as a Staff Writer, you'll find her kitesurfing in Ras Sudr.