Shereen Reda Joins Forces with Green Santa Claus for a Very Emerald Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Some may claim Christmas is hands down the best part of the entire year, even better than actual birthdays. Have you noticed how everyone is generally just so much happier? It’s the season of presents, giving and love; and for this very reason, Etisalat Emerald recently held a one of a kind popup experience at Ski Egypt, with non-other than dazzling superstar Shereen Reda to spread endless laughter, joy and gifts amongst different Emerald families.

Via Etisalat Emerald

Indeed, Reda came bearing gifts but she didn’t do it alone. She was joined by her trusted elves and Etisalat’s very own Green Santa Claus where they surprised a group of lucky parents, along with their even luckier kids, with the ultimate Christmas celebration. But how did they do it, you ask? Well, let us spread the Christmas cheer and tell you.

Via Etisalat Emerald

After the winners spent their day at Ski Egypt with Reda and the penguins (yes, the totes adorbz penguins were part of the surprise), the kids had a chance to have a cozy sit down with Santa to tell him about all the things – from iPhones to Xboxes and everything in between — they wish for. Except, they didn’t know all their wishes would actually come true!

Via Etisalat Emerald

A cute kid with the name of Yara, however, thought her one wish would not be made true and forgotten about because she simply just wanted a puppy. That wasn’t the case whatsoever because the fabulous Reda came to her rescue with the cutest puppy to ever exist that helped draw the biggest smile on Yara’s face.

Via Etisalat Emerald

Etisalat Misr created an exclusive platform for its most prominent and renowned clients, hence the birth of Emerald — providing its customers with world-class one of a kind #EmeraldExperience(s), consistently innovating with fun and creative ideas.

Watch the video below to see what took place on this magical day with Etisalat:

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