We Asked People What They Thought About Strict Working Hours and Here’s What They Said

It’s no surprise that employees today want flexible hours. What is surprising, though, is that so few employers in Egypt offer a flexible work schedule. Flexible working hours and conditions, definitely creates a motivating work environment for your employees. Coming to work is more than showing up, its willingly getting things done. As an employer, one great way to offer flexibility is to allow your employees to work remotely when you don’t need them at the office, or to work nontraditional hours. When the employer’s focus is on the work being done, the employees can focus on meeting deadlines and producing good work – not watching the clock tick the seconds until it’s time to go home.

Some companies follow the 2:1 work time rule. In a nutshell if you come an hour late to work, you compensate that with 2 hours after hours. So, let’s say you stayed till 10 pm working on a project, you’re still required to be at the office early the next day, in order to avoid any salary reductions. That not only causes fatigue and stress, it unquestionably demotivates the employee. Hence, the bottom line is that tangible results are the goal, many employees find it tremendously helpful when they can complete tasks efficiently, but in their own way.

Here are several opinions some employees stated when asked about strict working hours:

“Strict working hours to me are totally ridiculous. If someone finished their work, they should be able to leave — assuming they’re responsible enough not to take advantage of the situation.”  – Soha, Account Executive


“Well, I kind of think it halts your capability of being creative and efficient. Things should be more flexible, because people are different. Some people are very productive in the morning whilst others are night owls.” – Nour, Staff Writer


“I think it depends from one profession to the other. However, the idea of having strict working hours for the sake of just having strict working hours is quite redundant and breeds less productivity.”- Kareem, Account Manager


“Strict working hours help you get used to disciplining yourself as well as maintaining a healthy routine on a daily basis. They also help people who work better in an office environment. On the other hand, flexible working hours enhance the feeling of having personal control over your schedule, and help you feel more open in a creative space. It mainly depends on the field of work. If it’s a more creatively enhanced work environment, then I believe flexible working hours are a better stimulus on the mind and body.” – Zeinab, Social Media Manager


“I think that strict working hours create a very demotivating atmosphere in the office. It kills creativity because you’re always required to follow a strict schedule and it doesn’t leave you with much choice to experiment and get inspired from other things in life. I also believe that the time I spend at the office does not equate to productivity, I think there should be another way to measure performance.” – Randa, Graphic Designer 


“When one of the perks you can offer is a flexible work schedule, you’ll be able to find competent people to help your business be the best they can be — and you’ll beat out your competitors in the process.” – Mohamed, Deputy Manager 


“One reason people like to work for themselves is the control issue, having an increased feeling of personal control over schedule and work environment. By allowing employees to determine their own schedule and work environment, you appeal to the entrepreneurial spirit, which can be good for your employees.” – Aly, General Manager

Ahd Emad

A walking mystery and an introverted extrovert. Writing has always been soul-steering for Ahd, mainly because her diary has been her best friend for the past 10 years. As a Staff Writer at 925, she loves to shed light and spread awareness on necessary topics that would be considered taboo. She takes mental health very, very seriously and always makes time to listen to other people, making her a small therapist at heart.