Can You Ever Have a Successful Career Without a College Degree?

Starting from kindergarten until your very last growing moment, your teachers, parents and basically everyone you know will preach the benefits of a college education. And while there are a lot of advantages to upping your education game — knowledge is power, as Littlefinger would say — it does not guarantee you a job.

I get it, some professions obviously need a degree as you can’t be a lawyer without one (unless you’re Mike Ross and you live in the fictional world of Suits), but outside of these kind of jobs, it is very possible to be successful without finishing college or in some cases, even start goddamn college.

We are gathered here today so I can tell you that a university education doesn’t in any way equal success. Which makes me want to start with this question: Do companies and employers even look at CVs anymore? In a sea of graduates, what makes your AUC, GUC, CU (or wherever the heck you graduated from) degree stand out from the other person who is competing for the same job? YOU! Your experiences, your dedication and determination, the way you handle yourself and your work problems and what you can bring to the position over whether or not you have a college degree.

Another question y’all kids should ask yourself is: How many of you are actually working in the industry you studied? I work for one of the region’s top media publications and I wasn’t hired because of my college degree as I only studied Economics and Political Science. One thing all of you should know is that what gets you hired are your skills and talents *cough* all those years I spent professionally stalking people on Twitter were not for nothing *cough*.

If you don’t believe me, what about people like Steve Jobs, Rachel Ray, Ralph Lauren, all of whom are living proof that you can definitely make it without a university education. I’m not saying you’re going to be as successful as them, but I’m also not saying you wont be. Before I end all of this, I just want all of you with your non-existent college degrees to not stress the eff out like I used to all the time, because you’re not just going to be okay, you’re going to be great.

Nadya Mohamed

When she's not reading Virginia Woolf novels or obsessing over complex female characters, she'll be smashing patriarchy in the office, one article at a time.