When it comes to excuses, I admit, I am the queen. However, the below list of excuses are all things that have actually happened to me in real life and I am now gifting them to you. Enjoy!
“The roads are at a complete standstill, there must be an accident on this route.”

Via navva
“My car battery is dead. I’m waiting for someone to help me jump-start it.”

Via dummies
“I completely forgot to set my alarm, I must have overslept!”

Via activetimes
“I urgently need to rush to the bank before coming in to work because they close early.”

Via getabusinessinsurance
“I had to head to the doctor because this is the only available appointment I could get all week.”

Via Health
“I’m honestly not feeling well at all and rather than taking the day off, I’ll just rest for an extra hour.”

Via freepik
“My cats are really sick and the vet came over to give them a shot before I leave. Sorry, I’ll be a little late.”

Via thespruce
“There’s no one home and my brother forgot his keys. He’s late and I need to wait until he gets here so I can open the door for him.”

Via Globe and mail
” I literally can’t find my laptop anywhere, I’m searching the entire house!”

Via Pinterest