An Open Letter to My Work Family

I always say that those who are endowed with a healthy enjoyable working environment are very lucky.

But, when you have a team that genuinely loves you, laughs with you and most importantly is always there for you, through the good and bad; that is priceless. You know when they say that family is not always about blood, well that’s what I was fortunate enough to get: a chosen family.

Like anyone else, the first day I stepped into this job I knew I was going to have a couple of work friends, the kind of friends who just make it easier for you to get through the day. But as the days went by, I realized that something much more than “work acquaintances” was developing. And regardless of our grave differences whether in personalities, lifestyles or even in our personal beliefs, we fit together like puzzle pieces.

For a while, I wasn’t exactly my usual self but rather drained to the core. But then, I felt that I wasn’t alone, the amount of emotional and physical support I received from my team, was strong enough to restore my energy back to me. Each one of my team member did what they knew best and some of them actually went out of their own comfort zone, just to make me feel better. I knew, right then, that I had a work family, a family that wasn’t connected by blood. They’re more of a soul family; one that stays around in your hardships and gives you unconditional love and support.

To my introverted secret-keeper, I can’t thank you enough for just sitting in complete silence next to me, only to decide to kiss me on the shoulder, just for comfort. To the one I always look up to and wish I can one day be half of who they are, thank you for always giving me a shoulder to cry on . To my walking-cyclopedia genius, that unexpected hug that day was enough to bring down the burdens I thought I had to carry on my own. To my sarcastic, you-can’t-stop-teasing-me buddy but also rarely-deep buddy, I knew you meant it when you said “it’s going to be okay.” To my little therapist at heart, your constant check-up texts and calls are what I call treasures. And finally, to the kicka** artsy-soul whose remarkable talent and skills got her a place among this family, thank you for caring this much about someone you barely know.

Just want you to know that when I count my blessings every day, I count you guys TWICE.

Nour Hossam

Nour is one of the most gregarious people you could ever come across. She literally loves everyone! She spends half of her life stuffing her face with food, and the other half trying to lose weight at the gym. Her shining example is Mulan because she would not hesitate to do anything for the people she loves. When she's not busy writing for 925 as a Staff Writer, you'll find her kitesurfing in Ras Sudr.