Tips on How to Become an Influencer with Purpose

With the advancement of social media and the necessity it has become in our lives, people are beginning to take advantage of that and have created their own personal brands through entertainment and content creation. It has become a career that millennials are seeking out to achieve, but they never know exactly where to start or what it takes to become an influencer on social media. Here are some tips on how to build your brand and create content that has purpose and meaning.

Find your passion

Via The Fashion Enterprise

There are different types of influencers, including fashion, music, food, photography, or art. This list is endless actually and goes far beyond the aforementioned topics. Turn your page into a gallery of your work and what you love to do. Showcase your talent and learn as you go. This will help you maintain your hobby and it will help you learn and advance.

Advance your content

Via 50Wheel

Create content that will appeal to people and will grab their attention at first glance. Understand the message you want to show through your brand. What do you want people to know?

Choose your target audience


Now that you know what you want to say to people, you need to find out who you want to send the message to. This will help you figure out which platform you would like to use. If you are targeting millennials then you may want to stick to Instagram or Twitter. However, if you are targeting business audiences, then you may want to consider Facebook as your main platform. Or, you can always consider vlogging (video blogging).

Visualize the brand

Via Fashionista

Create a visually appealing image to your brand. Know your aesthetic and constantly stick to it in order for people to recognize you and what you represent. This helps people take note of who you are and what you do by creating an identity that fits your personality and your content.

Involve yourself with your audience


Always stay active with your audience, constantly reply to comments, like other peoples’ pages and keep your content fresh and up-to-date in order to remain relevant. Engaging with your audience on a personal level will allow them to relate to what you are demonstrating through your brand.

Don’t be afraid to start small, Oprah’s empire wasn’t built in a day.

Zeina Hesham

An eccentric graphic designer and style icon in her own right, Zeina is the co-founder of a fashion brand, a university student and a part time 925-er. Alongside creating all of our visuals and creative design concepts, Zeina channels her outburst of creativity into writing and speaking her mind on topics such as finding your passion, responsibility at a young age and women empowerment. Oh and she also spreads positive vibes and big smiles all throughout the day. The world needs more of people like Zeina.