Things to Avoid Doing on your First Day at the Office

We can all agree on the terrors and the overwhelming anxiety that we all feel on our first day at work. It feels like the first day of school all over again. Its a chain of overwhelming feelings and worries, all whilst trying to figure out the level of professionalism required to try to seem like you’ve done this before. If you’re about to start a new job, we’ve got you covered.

Here are the don’t’s for your first day at the office:

Don’t Ignore the dress code


Office dress codes are very important because you represent your career and you represent your company. You never know when a meeting with a client will pop up so dress to impress, always. Remember not to look like you Netflixed until 4 a.m.

Don’t Request days off


Do not make a request to take time off when you’re just starting out. Chances are you will be on a probation period, which is absolutely critical. All eyes will be on you, so commit to your days.

Don’t Take personal calls

Via Movade Pics

Try as much as you can not to take any personal calls unless it is an emergency. Taking too many personal calls on your first day will let people know that you are bored and have a lot of free time on your hands, and if that’s the case, then you’re probably not doing what you’re supposed to be doing.

Don’t Try too hard


Don’t be THAT person. Desperation is never pretty, so don’t come off too aggressive by trying too hard and getting all up in peoples’ faces. Avoid discussing personal topics and maintain your professionalism. Relax your mind, get rid of your anxiety and let things take their own pace.

Don’t Bring smelly food


No one likes the smell of onions and garlic reeking from your home-made koshary, even if your mom makes the best koshary ever. Just, don’t. It bothers everyone around you and it doesn’t leave the best impression among your co-workers.

Don’t Act helpless


Asking questions is very much encouraged on your first day, but avoid becoming needy for someone to constantly help you with every step you take. This will distract your co-workers and will start wasting your own time as well as theirs. Try to fix the problem yourself at least once or twice, if that doesn’t work then refer to someone who can help you. It also helps to observe the people around you to catch up on their problem solving techniques. Learning to become self sufficient is part of the job.

Zeina Hesham

An eccentric graphic designer and style icon in her own right, Zeina is the co-founder of a fashion brand, a university student and a part time 925-er. Alongside creating all of our visuals and creative design concepts, Zeina channels her outburst of creativity into writing and speaking her mind on topics such as finding your passion, responsibility at a young age and women empowerment. Oh and she also spreads positive vibes and big smiles all throughout the day. The world needs more of people like Zeina.