Reasons Why Taking A Social Media Break Is Very Important

Have you ever felt the physical urge to be on social media? Do you retreat to social media while feeling down? Do you feel a sense of anxiety from not being able to access social media? The truth is, technology addiction is similar to any other type of addiction. Research has shown that social media is a large source of dopamine, creating a sense of belonging through likes, shares and notifications.

I didn’t like the fact that I measured my self-worth by the amount of engagements I got on a post or by how many people reacted to my Instagram story or even by how I unintentionally  compared myself, my relationship and my weekends to others. Something felt off and I was lucky enough to read the signs.

As engaging as social media can be at times it’s important to also take time away from it to appreciate some of the many things you miss out on when your head is in the clouds.

Here are five reasons you should take a break from social media.

Less Comparisons

Seeing only the highlight reels of everyone’s life can have a devastating effect on your mental health. You start feeling a little less proud of your body and your workout when you see women with what appear to be perfect bodies on Instagram. You start to despise the clothes you wear when you see your fashionista friends wearing all the latest brands and you roll your eyes at your boyfriend after you scroll past proposals, engagements and wedding announcements on Facebook. You begin comparing your life to others subconsciously and the great day that you thought you were having starts to feel not so great.

Focusing on Goals

Social media is a distraction. One minute you’re checking your Facebook the next minute you’re looking at your crush’s, sister’s, husband’s, cousin’s, profile pictures. Sometimes social media can send you on a spiral that lasts several hours on a path to nowhere. Taking a break from social media frees up a lot of time to focus on what truly matters — your goals.

Real Human Connection

Stepping away from social media forces us to actually pick up the phone and call or go visit loved ones. When is the last time you actually had a real talk with friends or family members? I mean actually heard their voice not talked to them on Snap chat, Facebook or Instagram. Put in mind that everyone doesn’t post every important moment of their lives online and sometimes can be going through pretty rough moments privately. Taking the time to reach out can help you to build bonds and repair relationships.

Energy Boost

If you are already using a computer for work then coming home and spending hours on social media, you are not only wasting hours you could be being active, you are also draining your energy. By taking a break from social media you will have more time to workout which in turn gives you more energy as opposed to draining it. So not only will you have more time on your hands, your body will also thank you for stretching those muscles and getting in shape.

Mental Wellness

Not everything we see on social media has us wanting to buy a new car or get married, some things are downright disturbing. With so much going on in the world, sometimes stepping away from your phone/laptop and the hundreds of pictures, videos and statuses that bring negativity will allow you to clear your mind and simply focus on the good. When negative images are drilled into your mind through social media, it can affect your subconscious and even cause depression. Closing social media apps and simply taking some time out will allow you the time to center your mind and thoughts on positivity.

Rana Awadalla

When she's not busy breaking down gender roles or writing about feminism, sexism and all the isms that exist at the workplace as 925's Staff Writer, you'll find her by a beach somewhere listening to Lana Del Rey and reading a book.