An Open Letter to My Boss Who WhatsApps Me on a Friday

Dear Boss,

I love my job and I love how committed you are to teaching me new things. However, I value my free time and I sometimes feel shy to tell you that I hate going through a 20-page document on a Friday, when I should be having more me time! Please don’t get me wrong but you know that this work can wait till Sunday and the client is probably living their best life and has no care in the world, so please try to chill and take it easy on me.
I deserve at least one day a week to relax, with no WhatsApp messages from you or 70 notifications on our group chat to wake up to. I hope you understand that waking up to you spamming my phone gives me severe anxiety the minute I open my eyes. I exert so much effort during the week and I need this for my own mental health and overall productivity. I sometimes forcefully do these tasks on my weekend because I’m honestly trying to suck up to you and I’m trying to prove how proactive I am about this job but I can’t just do it all the time. It’s tiring. I know you hate hearing me say no, but this is my right. The extra pay is nice and well appreciated, of course, but if it affects my mental health, I don’t really want it.

In all honesty, I don’t even think I should be justifying myself to you but I’m just worried I’ll come off as a lazy slacker. The negative impacts it has on my performance throughout the week are endless. Working all week-long with no break whatsoever isn’t good for you, me, or anyone! Burnout is a real thing, the more you work the less productive you become.
I understand that some projects come in on the weekend but does that mean I have to do every single one of them immediately? If it can wait, please let it wait. I don’t want to seem rude but I have trouble ignoring your requests. It’s not who I am but I really think it’s time for me to shut down my email.

Your drained-out employee.

Ahd Emad

A walking mystery and an introverted extrovert. Writing has always been soul-steering for Ahd, mainly because her diary has been her best friend for the past 10 years. As a Staff Writer at 925, she loves to shed light and spread awareness on necessary topics that would be considered taboo. She takes mental health very, very seriously and always makes time to listen to other people, making her a small therapist at heart.