An Open Letter to My Co-Worker Who Takes Credit for My Work

Dear Co-Worker,

I’m not sure you know this but I put so much time and effort into the project you just got praised for. It’s really infuriating to believe that you’re doing this on purpose, so I’d love to believe that I’ve misunderstood things. Even if it’s just an idea I’ve discussed with you over coffee this morning, repeating it in a meeting with our manger isn’t cool, “bro.” I wasn’t really sure what to do; should I have spoken right up and embarrassed you? Should I have pinched your thigh underneath the table? Should I have given you a death stare? I know now that I should have done all of these things, but instead, I kept quiet and hoped you’d have the decency to acknowledge me.

Are you trying to make me look bad or are you just trying to make yourself look good using my work? I must admit I was extremely tempted to call you out right away but there was this voice inside of me saying that made me think that I might look like a crybaby with folded arms.

But gone are those days because the new and improved me is finally here! I’ve taken some time to calm down, and I’m out to get what is truly mine, you credit stealer. Starting now I will stand up for myself. I will no longer let you take my efforts. I take my job seriously; therefore, I deserve to be appraised for it. You will not stop me from getting that promotion that I’ve been working so hard for. I will no longer allow you to dim my rays of light. My shining days start now!

Thanks in advance,

Your fellow drained coworker.

Ahd Emad

A walking mystery and an introverted extrovert. Writing has always been soul-steering for Ahd, mainly because her diary has been her best friend for the past 10 years. As a Staff Writer at 925, she loves to shed light and spread awareness on necessary topics that would be considered taboo. She takes mental health very, very seriously and always makes time to listen to other people, making her a small therapist at heart.