Why Do Women Have to Uncover Their Future Plans When Getting a Job

Okay, let’s just get things straight! Yes, I’m a woman. Yes, I say “I do” willingly. Yes by divine design I get pregnant but that doesn’t mean that I have to go around revealing my personal future plans every time I go to an interview.

Women are subjected to investigative questions such as “are you engaged?” or “are you planning to get married?” or “are you planning to have kids anytime soon?” whilst men are never subjected to these kinds of questions. Marriage, pregnancy and breastfeeding should not be considered impediments to women who take their careers seriously. The world has witnessed a lot of successful women who were able to make major breakthroughs in their careers whilst doing top notch jobs as wives and mothers.

That’s why it’s pretty saddening to find a highly qualified woman with so much potential, getting rejected, put under surveillance or even substituted with a male candidate just because she’s a female who might get married or get pregnant at some point in life. Our productivity, performance, and qualifications as women, are beyond irrelevant to our personal lives. As an interviewer, all you need to know is whether the person in front of you is a good caliber or not.

Women should not be put under pressure to lie about or hide the plans they have made for their personal journey. They don’t even have to say it at all. They should not be subjected to any kind of prejudice when it comes to pursuing a career.

Yes, I’m a woman, and yes, I deserve to be treated fairly during interviews.

Nour Hossam

Nour is one of the most gregarious people you could ever come across. She literally loves everyone! She spends half of her life stuffing her face with food, and the other half trying to lose weight at the gym. Her shining example is Mulan because she would not hesitate to do anything for the people she loves. When she's not busy writing for 925 as a Staff Writer, you'll find her kitesurfing in Ras Sudr.