A Life Coach on How to Motivate Your Staff During the Holiday Season


 Santa gifting the staff during holiday season

VIA Rafa.org


Can you feel the change of season in the air? With winter approaching and the holiday season upon us, almost every person is planning for a Christmas trip, a Christmas party or setting New Year’s resolutions… This excitement along with work load can cause work distraction.

Coach Ahmed El Ibyari, a coaching partner at Intellect coaching school, gives us advice on how to help maintain a team’s productive spirit and to keep the workday drive going.

  • Bring on that holiday vibe

The workplace environment is as important as an employee’s salary. Decorating the workplace with the holiday theme is the simplest way to set an attractive, upbeat, physical workplace environment. Excessive energy is attained by simple decorations as employees need to feel the vibes at work. This guarantees that whenever they enter the workplace, the holiday mood is apparent, which eases working hours.

  • Show your employees an appreciation gesture

Take advantage of the occasion and make your employees feel appreciated. Personalized gifts, such as New Year’s agendas or thank you notes, can make employees feel recognized and respected by their management. Employees become more inspired and committed to work when they are thanked and tend to go above and beyond. What better way to present a gift than at an organized office gathering. Don’t forget that food is an essential tradition in all holidays! So, you need to organize a unique gathering with a themed breakfast or dinner for your team.

  • Allow flexible working hours

Being allowed to leave work early on holidays is basically one of the best surprises for your employee. Holidays are mainly about family connection, so employees become personally busy and are more committed to family time. Allowing your employees to enjoy their family time – through an early leave – during the holiday season gives them a drive to be more productive during working hours.

  • Give awards

Here’s a golden rule for you to follow, employees are more committed to their work when they are appreciated by their top management, because who doesn’t love being appreciated? Especially at that time of the year when everyone is recalling the year’s successes, failures and achievements on one side and on the other side, setting new resolutions for the coming one. Pick your most dedicated employees of the year and reward them for that.

  • Help your employees plan for their next year

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail,” says Benjamin Franklin. It goes without saying that without planning one can slide back into their normal life habits without any development. So, giving your employees sessions on how to set new resolutions by hosting a speaker, or life coach would be very effective and beneficial to them. Take into consideration that these sessions should tackle new resolutions for your employee’s personal life and not for your business.

Have a Happy New Year in advance.