Wild Card Hackathon: Innovative Solutions During the Pandemic

COVID-19 has affected everyone on this globe in several different ways, even those who do not actually have the virus.

In an effort to provide solutions to the disastrous global pandemic, Robusta Studio is holding a three-day hackathon online titled Wild Card Hackathon.

About the Wild Card Hackathon

Will we find the wild card during this pandemic?

The event description explains that the hackathon is “a thought leadership movement approach for all leaders and innovators in all different industries and areas of expertise to come up with solutions to help us deal, cope and fight this virus.”

The online hackathon is set to take place starting March 27 until March 29 across the MENA region. On the second day, the set of panelists will eliminate some of the approaches and others will continue. The feedback provided by the panelists will help the participants refine their approaches and resubmit them.

One of the panelists is BuduCloud CEO Omar Radi and the second panelist is FalakStartups Head of Business Development Karima El Hakim. There are also subject matter experts from various fields.

The participants need to be a part of a team of at least two people, and a maximum of five people. On the final day, the teams are required to build their prototype.

The Main Areas of Innovation in the Hackathon

Appreciate the first responders and front liners.

There are several suggested areas that the solutions could be targeted towards, the first being medical and healthcare support. This is by taking care of the first responders and finding solutions for the overwhelming number of patients.

The second is damage control, to come up with tools and platforms that can help decrease the damage during the time of crisis. The third is wellbeing, a very important element due to the panic that has taken over the world because of the nature of the virus. The isolation can also affect some people’s wellbeing, especially those who may be spending time alone or with difficult families.

The fourth is life continuity because people’s lifestyles have definitely been impacted and severely changed, thus this area can provide solutions to enhance people’s lifestyles.

While these are the suggested areas of innovation, participants can also explore solutions in other areas, because the new coronavirus has impacted everything around us.

Who is Robusta?

“Beauty and brains, finally in one package.”

Robusta Studio is a tech agency that aims to implement digital transformation programs for its diverse client base. This is their second coronavirus-related hackathon following the success of their Fight or Flight Hackathon on March 16.

Robusta’s aim is to aid in the forced changes that the global pandemic entailed. After the first hackathon, they helped participants reach potential investors or receive funding opportunities. They also try to get the final approaches some media attention.

It also gives businesses the chance to find solutions for their current problems that are rising because of COVID-19. As a digital transformation and solutions expert, Robusta would be the ultimate go-to.

Maryam Fawzi

Maryam Fawzi has been writing for as long as she can remember, but she discovered her love for journalism at the American University in Cairo.