Constantly meeting tight deadlines, dealing with office politics, pleasing a demanding boss or working in a highly competitive work-environment can make us feel drained and unmotivated to work. This stress is currently multiplied by 10 (probably more), since we are all trying to be productive and maintain good performance, all while the thought of impending doom runs through our heads due to the possibility of losing a job in the middle of a global pandemic.
“Work Burnout” might seem problematic and challenging, yet with good strategy, you can easily overcome it. 925Egypt compiled a list of burnout symptoms and effective ways to deal with it.

Stressed employee.
What Is “Work Burnout”?
“Work Burnout” as defined by The World Health Organization (WHO), is “Chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed”. In other words, it is the feeling of energy depletion, exhaustion, stress and demotivation to finish work tasks, which directly affects one’s efficiency and productivity.
Some psychologists also define “Work Burnout” as a manifestation of how an individual deals with particular work circumstances, which can often be stressful. Hence, “Work Burnout” varies from one person to another, depending on one’s work environment, and our individual ways to deal with stressful situations.
Maybe It Is A Bad Day
To be fair, we’ve all had some rough days. The kind of day where sending an email or calling a client would seem exhausting. Don’t even get us started on those long, never-ending zoom conferences. It is perfectly normal to have some days where you do not work enthusiastically with a smile on your face. It is a part of our human nature! However, constantly feeling drained and exhausted can be a sign that something is far more serious than just having a bad day.
The key difference between stress and work burnout, is the time. If the stress is short-termed then it is perfectly normal. Just watch an entreating movie and move along. Yet, if the stress is chronic and long-termed then you need to pause, it might be a serious problem.
4 Key-signs Of “Work Burnout”
To effectively know if you are dealing with “Work Burnout”, you have to check 4 key aspects in your life. Firstly, your sleep pattern, since it is often a vivid reflection and a “Barometer” of our psychological state. If you feel like you are sleep deprived, or cannot sleep comfortably because of work-related issues, then this is a sign. Secondly, watch your emotional state closely when you first get up in the morning. Do you feel motivated or energized to go to work? Or would you rather stay in bed all day, and watch Netflix? And no, this is not a rhetorical question.
Thirdly, you need to watch your physical state closely too. Chronic stress and anxiety are often reflected in the body. If you are suffering from “Work Burnout”, there is a high chance that you would experience a tight stomach, frequent headaches or muscle pain. Lastly, pay attention to your after-work hours. Do you easily get relaxed and enjoy your 5-to-9? Or do you find it hard to forget the workplace stress and your long to-do-list? Does your work stress interfere with your daily life and personal relationships? If the answer to all of that is yes, then it is probably a Burnout.
3 Ways to Effectively Deal With Work Burnout
Workplace stress can be challenging to overcome, and it might seem that you need to change your career as a whole. Yet, with easy and simple steps, you can move along and reach your quarter’s target.
- Have a “Tête-à-tête”
When we have too much on our plate, it is a good choice to rant to someone in our close circle. Hence, find a close friend or a family member and tell them how you feel about work, your co-workers, and boss. It might be helpful to have a one-on-one conversation with a trust-worthy person to recharge and get it all out of your system.
- Hit the Pause Button
When you feel overwhelmed or stressed from work, it is indispensable to take some time off. Take a long weekend, switch off your phone, stop checking your emails, and hit the pause button. Maybe you are just overworked, and you need to re-energize. Do something you love, paint, cook, or watch your favorite movie. (Here is a list of movies that would spark your career inspiration). It would be extremely beneficial to get away from the stressful and draining work environment.
- Reflect!
Try to find the “why”, behind your emotional anxious state. Maybe you feel overworked or undervalued. Acknowledge your feelings, and try to find a way to make it lighter in the future. Try to find a balance between your work life and your personal one. Reflect mindfully and try to find the essence that made you pursue that career in the first place. Maybe then, when you rekindle your spark, you would be able to ace your tasks again.
“Work Burnout” is a complex illustration of our relationship with our work. That is why it is normal to seek professional help or take some time off to reflect, in order to invest in one of the most important aspects of our life, our work.