Napoleon Makes Guest Appearance in El Da7ee7’s New Show

If you by any chance have a French history test, today is your lucky day because Ahmed El Ghandour’s new show “Mat7af El Da7ee7” (The Museum of Da7ee7) was just released on Shahid! The first show revolved around the history of French Emperor in the 1800s, Napoleon Bonaparte.

In his usual humorous and engaging way, El Da7ee7 is basically a statue in a museum that comes to life to tell historical stories every day at a certain hour.

With this first episode, El Da7ee7 wakes up to find himself surrounded by prominent historical figures arguing over why ‘a silly child like him’ made it to the museum in the first place. The argument is interrupted by none other than Napoleon and a philosopher who inspires El Da7ee7 to do his show on the history of the aforementioned French emperor.

El Da7ee7 then goes on to explain the emperor’s history including Napoleon’s life story, the wars he fought, how he rose and how he fell, and how he made it through the French Revolution. In reality of course, the story of Napoleon has pros and cons as he pushed France into several wars, the last of which was with Russia where more than half the French troops died due to cold, harsh weather.

I think many of us can say we’ve slept through history classes in school, but perhaps this new take El Da7ee7 is using to teach history is something that can help a lot of youth learn about stories in Europe, the US, the Middle East, and other regions that El Ghandour tackles.

Dania Akkawi

Dania Akkawi graduated from the American University in Cairo with a major in Multimedia Journalism and a minor in Creative Writing and History. After spending all her high school and college years writing, that's pretty much what she wants to keep doing for now too.