The One Million Entrepreneurs Program: A Free & Comprehensive Entrepreneurship Program to Help Launch Your Startup

On April 9, Egypt’s Ministry of Planning and Economic Development launched its new training program “One Million Entrepreneurs“; with the aim of enriching Egypt’s entrepreneurial scene. This newly launched program is set to train and qualify one million Egyptian entrepreneurs by 2030 for the ever-changing business world. And within its first week of launching, 8,644 people have already registered in anticipation of its 16 certified courses. So, we’ve come up with a concise guide on what this extensive entrepreneurship program will teach you, where you can register for it, and what we know about it so far.

What’s the program for?

Represented by the “Rowad Project 2030“, this program provides comprehensive entrepreneurship courses through pre-recorded online lectures in both Arabic and English conducted by specialized field experts. Trainees will receive a certificate of completion when finishing their chosen course. The “Rowad 2030” project was launched in 2017 through funding from the National Bank of Egypt and Banque Misr to expand Egypt’s entrepreneurial landscape and opportunities, the “One Million Entrepreneurs” being its latest endeavour.

Egyptian startup, Swvl. Via MenaBytes.

 Egyptian Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Hala El-Said, emphasized the role of entrepreneurship in providing creative solutions to overcome economic challenges, adding that entrepreneurship could revive Egypt’s economy with small projects whose leaders will contribute to achieving development goals.

You’ll Be Exposed to 8 Areas of Entrepreneurial Expertise

A lot goes into being a successful entrepreneur. Among them, fully grasping all aspects of running a business, staying ahead in the game, and crafting a successful business model. Whether you already have a startup or have an idea to start one, these business principles are indispensable. Luckily, this program will teach you all you need to know on these points and more.

  • Building a business model for your startup 

This topic has two courses. One where students will learn how to present a business model describing their business, pinpointing challenges, and seeking profit-maximizing opportunities. The applied project for this course is a one-page document and ten-minute presentation of a business model that outlines the effectiveness of a chosen product or service. In the second course, they will learn about the “Business Model Canvas”; a tool encompassing the 9 key elements that make up a successful business model.

  • Marketing your startup

With three detailed courses on this subject, they will be of great use to emerging businesses that are seeking to successfully market themselves while satisfying their target audiences’ needs. They’re also beneficial to those who are still developing their business ideas and seek the know-how of introducing them to the public. They will also learn how to develop a product or service that can succeed financially. And will be trained on how to create intriguing designs that will be embedded within customers’ minds.

  • Brand building for startups

A company’s brand isn’t simply their logo or their design, it’s the rapport that a company establishes and maintains with the customer. Seconding that notion, this course will teach future entrepreneurs how to fortify their brand name and always remain true to what their brand represents.

  • Financing your startup 

Needless to say, money is key in sustaining or expanding a business. With that in mind, the “One Million Entrepreneurs” program offers two comprehensive courses on financial management for startups. Students will learn how to build a financial model, evaluate their financial performance, allocate revenue sources, and predict expenses. They will also review real-life examples of companies who managed to do so successfully.

  • Realizing your business idea

Turning a business idea into a product or service is multifaceted and is foundational to having a successful project. Throughout the two enlisted courses for this topic, students will learn about the practical tools that transform business ideas into value-creating commodities and how to execute them. They will also learn to formulate business and financial plans, evaluate their performance against competitors, and how to attract customers. Applicants will also get the chance to speak to established entrepreneurs about their success in doing so.

  • Leadership skills

For its leadership courses, the “One Million Entrepreneurs” program has jointly constructed part of its curriculum with the Startup Leadership Program; the 14-year-old international training program for entrepreneurs. In this curriculum, students will develop leadership skills when operating a startup as well as define their mission, vision, and strategy. Another course will be about planning and executing organizational changes, and employer-employee communication.

  • Business development  

While we may be familiar with the term, business development is largely misperceived by many. That’s why both courses for this topic tackle the concept of business development through meticulous explanations in the corporate world. They will teach students the functions and tools of business development, how to build and maintain long-term relationships, and identify strategic opportunities.

  • Fundraising your startup

Funding is the holy grail for startups, but the process isn’t always smooth sailing. Throughout their two courses, students will be taught how to seek investment opportunities, confidently approach investors, guarantee capital funds. They will also understand the prerequisites of attaining funds and what makes their startup an appealing investment opportunity. These indispensable courses will be conducted by experts in start up fundraising and investments over the past five years.

Since the sessions are pre-recorded, that means you can access them anytime and learn at your own pace, not to mention that you can attend the lectures through any device at your convenience.

With thriving businesses blooming overnight, the “One Million Entrepreneurs” program will only expand Egypt’s entrepreneurial opportunities and prepare those who will seize them.

Click here to register, and find out more about the courses.

Salma Wahby

Salma Wahby has a knack for diverse narratives and gripping storytelling from all walks of life. From everyday stories to cutting edge technology, her seemingly innate talent for writing has put her on a mission to bridge the gap between everyday stories and complex ideas.