What if the period talk was finally normal? What if we didn’t have to shy away in a corner when we need a pad? What if people didn’t flinch just by having periods mentioned?
Periods are hard. We’re not talking about the stereotypical murderous rage and over-the-top reactions that the media exhibits when it comes to periods, we’re talking about the sheer discomfort and irritability every girl must go through once a month.
Unfortunately, even with periods being an unshakable reality for all women of a certain age, the discussion of them remains taboo. They’re usually spoken about in hushed tones in small groups, and illicit judgmental reactions when spoken about in public. Furthermore, you can’t really find period care products on the market beyond sanitary products.
Well, it appears that Egypt may be on its way to normalizing periods, and it’s all thanks to young, hip products made with a new outlook on life!
Palma is an Egyptian brand that’s known for its genuine, high-quality leather products; just created a period kit that you can easily pack to work, school, or anywhere you need to be.

Photo Via: Palma
Recently, Palma released their first-period kit! The period kit includes a rice heating pad, a stylish cover for the pad, 2 pouches, one for pads and another for tampons.

Photo Via: Palma
They made them super stylish, and super affordable! The entire period kit is EGP 399 and is already sold out on their website.
This product was launched with women in mind, to de-shame the topic of periods and have them love their bodies for what they are. Being the first of its kind in Egypt, it opens doors to more discussions about periods, and normalizes them, something that should’ve been automatic.
This is a huge step for women all across Egypt and having a product (that’s already sold out) of this kind in the community is a sure sign that we are moving forward.