It is beginning to look like Christmas, and the sparkling vibes are almost everywhere.

Whether you are a new member of life after graduation or someone who misses the Christmas party vibes, you spend your favorite month of the year in the best frame on working weekdays.

Here is the perfect Christmas list of activities that you can do after your working hours, even on non-vacation days:

1- Christmas Gathering at Home

Isn’t it cool and comfy to plan for a friend’s gathering after your work or on the weekend?

All you have to do is: decorate your place with simple Christmas stuff, food, and put your music on for a well enjoyed night!

2- Have A Casual Walk

Enjoying the vibes is not restricted to a gathering or an outing.

Why don’t you go for a casual walk to the nearest spot to your workplace and charge your energy with the fascinating Christmas decorations?

We suggest you visit Korba streets in Masr Gedida, Walk of Cairo, Arabella in Tagamoa, or any full-decorated place!

3- Decorate Your Office

It is the Simple Things that have meanings behind them. You can get a small Christmas tree on your desk, some sparkling wires and decorate your room.


4- Suggest a Work Arranged Christmas Celebration Day

You can take the initiative and plan for a Christmas Celebration day if your workplace accepts!

It can be considered an off-day, with no stress or rushing hour.

A day where you will have time to discover a new side of your team members,  invest more in your communication skills with a Christmas day out.

If it does not work, then you can play “Secret Santa” with your colleagues?


Photo Via: COW Gifts

5-  Get Simple Christmas Gifts

Christmas is all about giving! You can buy small Christmas souvenirs for your co-workers as a new-year gift.

And if you are a pro in baking? There is no better gift than Christmas baked cookies!


We believe that we are the ones who create fun vibes whenever we want. Make it your motive in the last few days of the year and plan with a heart full of joy for the next chapter.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, 925 people!