The Five New Terms Added to The English Dictionary Reflecting Heavily On 2021!

Since the dawn of humanity, language has always been the key to accelerating progress. One must appreciate the fact that language even exists; without it, we would lose one of the few features that define us as a highly intelligent species.

However, language isn’t a constant. The English dictionary adds a list of words every year as a product of world connectivity, cultural blending, and significant events taking place worldwide. So, let’s skim through those new words this year because it gives us an idea about where the world is heading.

1 – Awe Walk

Meaning: The act of taking a walk outdoors and focusing on looking at things around you.

Probably, this act emerged into the modern world due to the rising habit of looking at the cell phone constantly. Usually, we see everyone around us staring through their screens; texting or scrolling. Even when something interesting happens around us, the urge to film it and post it on social media immediately kicks in.

Therefore, an “Awe Walk” can be a huge habit breaker these days. It might help people stop their addictive urge to look at the phone.

2 – Doomscrolling

Meaning: The act of having the expectation of reading bad news on social media and making the effort to look for it.

With 2020 kickstarting a chain of unfortunate events, people have been looking desperately for news that would confirm their pessimistic view of the world. This habit might have emerged locally before this year. However, the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic allowed this habit to surface worldwide; triggering the anticipation of a probable doomsday.

3 – Thirsty (A New Meaning)

This term is one of the oldest in the language. Yet, a new meaning for it has emerged in 2021.

New Meaning: Having a need for attention or approval.

Probably, social media would be to blame for this one. Instant pleasure resulting from instant likes and instant shares of content would leave a person craving more approval. Therefore, a euphemism will normally arise to cover the harsh meaning behind the need for attention. Additionally, 2021 witnessed a staggering amount of people working from home or between jobs with sufficient free time to get themselves addicted to social media.

4 – Truthiness

Meaning: a quality of something that makes it sound true without any evidence backing it whatsoever.

If 2021 has a nickname, it would be “The year of disinformation.” A lot of factors helped in creating such a term as confirmation bias surges with the emergence of standalone blogging and personal websites. Mainly, the growing distrust of governmental or organizational entities has led the people towards alternative sources of information.

Unfortunately, finding info on the internet doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. Yet, it boosts the confidence of the reader with this newly named quality…Truthiness.

5- WFH (Work From Home)

Meaning: A new category of leave day, which allows the employee to perform his/her duty from home.

This is the new trend in modern business. We are living in a very interesting era because we are currently witnessing significant changes to the standard model of the workweek. Some countries, like Iceland, have alleviated the five-day workweek model and replaced it with a four-day workweek.

However, the most trendy change in companies is allowing employees to work from home. Therefore, the abbreviation has risen this year to ease the communication between employees and their respective employers.

Brace for 2022

Expectations are really high for the coming year; some are optimistic and some are not. 2022 will hold significant events for the world and, thus, bring forth new words to the English dictionary. So, get your Google search ready on your phone.