Ask The Expert: 5 tips and tricks before your interview

Interviews can be stressful we know… Anxiety kicks in and you feel like you’re not well prepared. Trust us, we’ve all been there. But don’t you worry! We’ve got your back. We Asked The Expert and got you some tips and tricks to ace your next interview.

Akram Marwan, founder of ICareer

(1) First things first, you need to make sure of the position you’re interviewing for. 

We all go on an application spree where we just apply to simply everything that comes our way! Then one day, you get called for a job interview, and you just think to yourself, “Oh god, what position was that?”

This tends to happen when you apply to a bunch of stuff or an amount of time has passed since you sent out your application. But that’s okay. The expert, Akram Marwan founder of ICareer, advised to normally and decently ask about the position. You can be like, “Excuse me, I have applied to a number of other jobs. Would you please remind me which position is this?”

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(2) Once you get that figured out. It’s time you ask about the location.

Avoid getting lost or missing your appointment by asking about a clear landmark and the precise location. That way, you get there on time without getting stressed over where the place is.

Precise Location

Perfect! You’re almost there!
Now, the technicalities.

(3) You must ask about the type of interview you’ll have.

There are many types of interviews, some of which are one-on-one interviews, candidate interviews, or panel/committee interviews.

  • One-on-one is the most common type of interview, in which you are interviewed by one member of the company.
  • Candidate interviews are ones in which you and another applicant will be interviewed together for the same position.
  • Panel/Committee interviews are ones in which several members of the company interview you at the same time.

It is important to know which one you’ll have to avoid getting nervous about it and prepare beforehand.

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(4) How many interviews will you be having that day?

This is also a very important question to ask. It helps you understand how long you’ll be there, and what kind of interview you’ll be having, whether theoretical, practical, or both.

(5) It is very important to know who is interviewing you.

Having background information on who is interviewing gives you leverage. It means you have done your research. Needless to say, you must also do in-depth research about the company, its scope, objectives, year of establishment, its culture and mission, and all the relevant information.

Now back to the interviewer. Try to gather as much information as possible about their names, positions, their role in the company, and maybe their interests too. This gives you an idea of who they are and how to properly show off your skills. It also makes you understand what they do within the company, which makes you able to relate to the position you’re applying for.

And now you’re all set and ready to go!
Good Luck!

Watch our “Ask the Expert” series to learn all about the tips and tricks to ace your job interview!

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