The Space to Prosper: Shababco 3.0

Can you guess another word for Gen Z? The answer is “Entrepreneurial bunch”.

When we hear the word “Gen Z”, the words “young artists”, “brand owners”, and “creators of trends” are definitely the ones that come to mind. BUT… who better accommodates the upcoming artists, young Egyptian brand owners, and performers than Youthout’s Shababco?

Shababco, a Youthout concept, is a youth-full event that features young Egyptian brand owners, artists, and performers allowing them to share their creativity and art, connect, and inspire one another to go further. It creates the space for the restless believers and those who just won’t stop there. Its energetic and engaging activities create an unwitnessed ambiance full of ambition and big dreams!

Shababco 3.0

We are SUPER excited to tell you all about Shababco’s third edition, which is just around the corner!

The two-day event on the 18th & 19th  of March will witness and host a magnificent number of young talents: 85 inspiring young entrepreneurs, 26 most up and coming artists, and 25 outstanding performers live on stage!

*We just CAN’T wait!!*


18th & 19th of March @12:00-10:00 p.m.


@Arkan Plaza

Their hashtag, among a few others, #ShababcoBOs presents the “on the up and up” local brands, which include environmentally conscious apparel, streetwear, eyewear, home décor, jewelry pieces, scented candles, workshops, and many many more.

With the utmost aim of inspiring youth and offering limitless boundaries of creativity, Shababco partnered with EU Business School to offer the best exhibitor a chance to receive a summer course in Entrepreneurship on campus in BARCELONA!

Credits: Shababco’s Instagram Page

It definitely did not just stop there as Youthout knows no boundaries! Youthout is also offering students the chance to study abroad and explore what the world has to offer through its partnership with over 150 universities all over the world!

It has also launched its new #Werashco initiative, in which workshops or “werash” come to you all the way from top global universities. “Prints, Prints, Baby” was March’s “warsha”, led by Professor Julia Pelletier and held on March 11 for the young artists of today to engage in the world of print making and earn globally recognized certificates!

Youthout and its “Shababco” are exemplary! They offer a priceless experience and an encouraging space for the “youth to release!”
So, if you’re a BO, artist, or performer, don’t miss out on the 4.0 Shababco edition and start releasing your art!