5 Series You Can Still Watch After Ramadan

Ramadan is about to end, and because we know that the Ramadan precedent between series is long and we cannot keep up with it, that is why some series are always ignored in Ramadan, but they get their success after it, as happened with one of the most important classics of Arab and Egyptian drama, the series “I Want to Get Married”. In this article, we will recommend to you some of the works that we think are worth watching after Ramadan.

The Returnees العائدون

The events of the series revolve around Egyptian intelligence’s attempts to confront terrorism represented by ISIS, in which intelligence workers such as officers, liaison experts, and secret agents meant to protect their homeland and eliminate terrorism.

The beauty of the series is its ability to represent the ISIS group perfectly, and it is clever that they shed light on terrorist supporters while not naming names, as they were interested in portraying small details in the series and signs indicating their intention.

It was amazing to watch Faraj and Hani Ramzy in two roles that are considered landmarks in this series without explicitly declaring it.

“Mlf Sery”

The events of this series revolve around Hani Salama, the consultant, as he attempts to achieve justice and conclude the investigation into a corruption case involving one of Egypt’s most powerful families.

You will not be bored while watching this series because new events are added every day. After the first half of the series, you will reach the stage of loss and doubt in all actors to solve the murdered case.

It was nice to see Alaa Morsi in a role that is completely different from what we are used to, a dramatic role par excellence. Not only did Alaa Morsi impress us with this series, but so did Nidal Al-Shafei, Edward, and Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelaziz, who each had a distinct personality and delivered an outstanding performance.

“Ahlam Saieda”

This series is a comedy, but it presents a quiet drama as it discusses many of the feminist issues that women face in our Arab countries, from women’s inheritance to the fear of the ghost of spinsterhood and society’s view of women, passing through the search for procreation and other issues that the series touched without the need to show them sadly, as it does in the rest of the series.

So we see in the series a friendship between three middle-aged women (Ghada Adel, Yousra, and Mai Kassab) from different social classes who are brought together by fate to go through experiences that will help them overcome their problems and live better lives.

Shimaa Seif brings out her other side. She was not delighted with just being a comedian in this series, as we saw her as a strong dramatic actress as well.

“Gzeirat Ghamam”

Once again, the writer Abdel Rahim Kamal comes to take us to a different world from our current world, as the events of the series take place on an island of the writer’s imagination, as indicated in the introduction, during the reign of Khedive Abbas Helmy II.

The series begins with the clergyman on the island (Sheikh Madyan) distributing his legacy to his three disciples, to give religious authority to (Muharib), who is embodied by “Fathi Abdel Wahab”, and symbolizes extremism, and gives his home to (Yousri), who is embodied by “ Mohamed Jumaa” and represents the religious current. Associated with the unseen, while giving his rosary to (Arafat), whose role is played “Ahmed Amin”, and symbolizes the Sufi movement. At the same time, Tarh al-Bahr, a group that resembles nomadic gypsies, arrives on the island.

From here begins the conflict on the island, and perhaps the most prominent conflict between Khaldoun (Tariq Lutfi), who represents Satan or “evil”, and (Arafat), who represents good, purity and serenity, which is the eternal conflict that began from the beginning of creation, while Al-Ayqa, played by the artist Mai Ezzedine, represents life, its pleasures, and its lusts. Despite the severity of the conflict, the writer’s handling of it made the events flow smoothly and calmly on the ears and eyes of the viewers.


The first part of the “Al-Maddah” series, which was shown last Ramadan, achieved great success, which prompted the producing company to present a second part of the work called “Al-Maddah.. Legend of the Valley”.

The series tells the story of Saber (Hamada Hilal), a child who was adopted and raised by the mosque’s imam (Ahmed Badir), and he fell in love with a girl, and he took another path and harness his calls for bad endsm additionally he worked with gangs in their illegal trade and many other things, but his involvement in some problems push him to the path of righteousness and repentance.

And this part is completed with a series of strange dreams that come to Saber, as it turns out to him that everything he sees in his dreams is achieved on the ground, which makes Saber on the cusp of a new war with the jinn, and we, as spectators, begin to move from one dream to another.

That is why we advise you to watch the first and second parts of the series to fully comprehend the plot.

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