Mohamed Elkhamisy on “Wellness” In Egypt

Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.

With the busy schedules and the fast paced lives we lead, we often compromise our overall wellbeing. We get so caught up in the loop of life, we forget about our wellness. We only take breaks when we feel drained and super exhausted.

But… what if we told you that there’s a way to THRIVE rather than just SURVIVE?!

Believe it or not.. IT’S POSSIBLE, despite our busy lives!

The answer lies in “Achieving Wellness”. Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes.
And who better promotes the concept of Wellness than Mohamed ElKhamisy.

Wellness as a multi-dimensional concept

Elkhamisy’s road to wellness started back in 2019, when he held the first biohacking conference here in Egypt. His goal was to promote wellness and overall health (body, mind, and soul).

He believes that the wellness concept is the future for sure.

The physical part of the body has its limitations, but the mental and wellbeing part is ageless and does not discriminate.

He explains that wellness is as simple as “breath work”; how to breathe and control your stress merely through breathing!

It is very exciting to hear that Elkhamisy is engaging in different investments and pathways to achieve wellness and a change in people’s lifestyles.

Elkhamisy explains that, optimally, the mind and the body work hand in hand for the best wellness and lifestyle outcome possible. 

From this point on, he came up with the SoulFull Festival. It is a 3-day festival, where you incorporate a certain mantra, which tends to alter your perspective on life. You train your mind by learning new things, train your body by working out and releasing all the intoxicants, and train your soul by exploring your inner voice and capabilities.

Who is Mohamed Elkhamisy?

Elkhamisy is an entrepreneur and a general manager of operations for one of the top Middle Eastern construction contracting companies.

Interestingly, he was a former football player who trained for twenty years in order to play professionally.

Last but not least, he is an angel investor who is currently on a quest to educate young people about what prosperity and freedom really mean and how to get them.

Mohamed Elkhamisy also was the first to hold a biohacking conference in Egypt back in 2019.

He puts his heart and soul into promoting the concept of wellness, for he believes it is the future.

It is with no doubt that when there’s harmony between your mind, body, and soul, you will definitely lead a happier, healthier life.