Five Weekend Jobs for when you’re Low on Cash

We can argue all day about how the solution to this problem is getting paid more. But it doesn’t really matter how much money you make. Whether you spend your money on snacks at work, cigarettes or overrated weekend outings, the lifespan of a paycheck can never surpass 21 days – forget saving money! Some months witness earlier paycheck deaths than others. Poor paychecks. But, fear not! I’ve discovered a way to help your money reach a higher life expectancy. Here are a few jobs you can actually do on weekends.


Via Unsplash

We’ve all heard of it. There’s always a cousin making a living out of ushering, a friend, a colleague, a neighbor, anyone. Ushering events can be one of the highest paid jobs ever; you only work for a small amount of time and get so much money. Let’s not forget about all the famous Influencers you’ll probably meet. There are tons of groups on Facebook looking for guys and girls to usher their events.


Via Pexels

If you own a car, love the streets of Egypt so much and don’t mind strangers riding in your backseat, then this is a job you should definitely go for. Whether it’s Uber or Careem (now they’re one big company anyway) you can always make decent money in the two days of the weekend. You can also take your car to Ras Sudr or the North Coast and work there. Then you can have the sea next to you as you do your job. And, whenever you get tired of driving, you can just dive right into the water. Easy, isn’t it?

Freelance Writer

Via Pexels

If you’re skilled with words then your weekend job should definitely include writing. You can just sit in the comfort of your own bed, type away on your laptop and get instant money. That’s if your job does not revolve around writing in the first place. If your hobby is to write then you can sharpen that skill on the weekends. Be it translating articles or writing ones. This is always a good way to just put some extra money in your pocket.

Customer Service

Via Unsplash

Don’t scroll down just yet. As boring and unbearable as the job title sounds, they do make good money. Not going to lie, I’ve declined many customer service offers because I could never do that full-time (cheers to you if you do that for a living). But, when push comes to shove, I might have to do that on my weekends. Some companies just look for part-timers. You should definitely try this out if you’re a fan of talking on the phone.

Wedding Photographer/Videographer

Via Unsplash

There’s a friend around the corner getting married next week. Yes, every week. They’re probably also low on cash and looking for a cheaper way to enjoy the best night of their lives. You can be the solution to their problem. Don’t offer to just do it for free, don’t be so kind. Ask for a little less than a professional wedding photographer or videographer would ask and here, you got yourself a weekend job

Jasmin Adel

Meet Jasmin Adel, 925’s newest intern! You know when you really like a song so you listen to it every day, show it to all your friends and write its lyrics all over your body and then one day, poof, you’re on to the next one? Jasmin describes herself as the physical representation of that. If there is one thing she can do, it’s probably obsessing over things like the fan girl that she’s always been. So, if you see her write a passionate article about something today, she might not want to hear about it, ever again.