The beach has always been a spot where one goes to relax, enjoy the sun and a fizzy drink while reading a book. Recently, however, things have started to change, more specifically in Ras Sudr; everyone now wants to go to the beach to rise above sea level and kitesurf.
I will never forget the first moment my eyes laid upon someone kitesurfing; I was in Gouna with my friends basking in the sun and wishing for the long weekend to never end when I spotted this amazing phenomenon. After delving more into the sport, I found out that Ras Sudr has become, for the past few years now, a hub for kitesurfing – with many tourists coming from all parts of the world to practice their favorite hobby there. Kitesurfing, in its truest sense, was something much more than the word actually gives it credit, because it is a feeling of freedom.
Fast forward many years later, I have come a part of Egypt’s kitesurfing community, or should I say, family. The story of kitesurfing cannot be told, however without the following men I’m about to mention. These special individuals got their lives changed by that very craft, just by a small wind of change.
Bilal Kassem

Via Bilal Kassem
Kassem, owner of 20knots Camp, was originally a mechanical engineer who then shifted to become a business consultant. But throughout all of this, he had this one dream where he opens a beach camp when he grows old and retires. To his surprise, the plan happened much sooner than he expected. With him becoming a certified kitesurfing instructor, the owner’s camp and a carpenter at his own shop, he is a living proof for everyone to follow their dreams. When I asked what kitesurfing meant to him, he sighed and said, “It’s my life, I don’t see myself any other way. The feelings of liberation I get from it cannot be put into words. My formal work attire is shorts, barefoot and sometimes a t-shirt. I have problems now putting on a suit again and driving through Cairo to do errands.”
Sherif Soliman

Via Sherif Soliman
Calling Soliman, owner of SOUL Camp, a chill dude would be an understatement. He owns a restaurant, has a yoga center and he kitesurfs. He resides in Ras Sudr with his beautiful wife and their amazing daughter, breaking the norms that we’ve all grown accustomed to. Sherif says, “Kitesurfing is the best way for me to meditate, it gives me happiness, freedom and peace of mind. I’m glad I was destined to be exactly where I am, right by the beach with my kite.”
Tarek Amir

Via Tarek Amir
Amir used to work as an archaeologist, before he found his calling and moved to Rus Sudr to become a kitesurf instructor. “To hell with it, I’m living by the beach,” he said to me. Amir has a love story with kitesurfing as he tells me that it’s his passion that he will always follow, no matter where he is or what life brings him to.
Mostafa Aktham

Via Mostafa Akhtam
Akhtam was a corporate employee in a finance and real estate company. It wasn’t long, however, before he decided to ditch the city with its never-ending problems and become a kitesurfing instructor –, a lifelong passion for him. Kitesurfing for Akhtam was, by all means, a life changer. He added that it changed him as a person on so many levels. “The day I started kitesurfing was the same day that I felt like I was being reborn again. Once I get on the board I forget about everything except the incredible feeling that it gives me. I don’t think I could ever stop, get bored or be done with it.”
Honorary Mention
Mohamed Amer

Via Mohamed Amer
Amer, owner of 360 Camp, was born to live sky high. A full-time pilot for Egypt Air, he resides in Rus Sudr in the summer with his family to practice his passion. If it wasn’t for his kids’ education in Cairo, he would sell everything and follow the place where his heart belongs: the beach.“Kitesurfing is the thing that balances life, my life. I automatically become a better person when I’m here. I’m more peaceful with myself and others. I wake up with a smile on my face and I sleep with it too. That’s what kitesurfing does to me.”