5 New Things To Do Around Cairo Over The Weekend!

We know how tiresome your week could get and how bored of routine you might be. We have been…

Egypt Under Stress: Who Qualifies To The World Cup?

The highly anticipated match is just around the corner! After months of matches, training, and hard effort, the Egyptian Football…

Egyptian Actor Amir Al-Masry Competes Nicolas Cage and Benedict Cumberbatch

It seems like 2022 is gifting the Egyptian-International Actor, Amir Al-Masry. Amir got nominated for the Best Actor Award for…

Netflix’s Newest Release: Serious Steps For Arab Short Movies Production

Over the last week, we’ve heard the news about Netflix’s newest release: Love, Life, and Everything In Between. [caption id=”attachment_17832″…

Amr Diab Signs Exclusive Music Deal With Anghami

Yesterday’s mystery has been solved! Social media pioneers showed a feeling of curiosity about the disappearance of most of the…

Romanticizing Divorce or Proving It’s Never Too Late? by Finding Ola..

If you haven’t yet watched the Arabic Netflix original, “Finding Ola”, then what are you waiting for? Grab your…

5 Things To Watch For Career-Inspiration This Weekend!

Feeling a little unmotivated about work? Well, we get the same feeling by the end of every business year…


HO HO HO! It is beginning to look like Christmas, and the sparkling vibes are almost everywhere. Whether you are a…

Behind the Endurance Festival — Is Somabay A Year-Round Destination?

Having set foot onto the grounds of Somabay, it was clear that it was more than a touristic spot…

Period but Make It Chic: Palma’s New Period Kit Sets out to Break The Norm

What if the period talk was finally normal? What if we didn’t have to shy away in a corner…