Published Thoughts

Influential Quotes By Strong Women

Sitting there and listening to the stories of the women who made it…who dreamt and achieved…who struggled…who challenged… AND…

Her Story of Success: Celebrating International Women Day

It was once said that women are half the society, and they enriched that half with infinite success stories! Today,…

A Day of Befriending Books: The 53rd Edition of Cairo International Book Fair

Many people may go to events that match their different needs and interests. Whether they are bookworms or not,…

A New Suicide Incident: How Long Will This Continue?

A new day, and unfortunately another accident, that’s even more tragic than the previous one. A few days…

5 Things To Watch For Career-Inspiration This Weekend!

Feeling a little unmotivated about work? Well, we get the same feeling by the end of every business year…

Gender Pay Gap is Alive and Well in Egypt: Twitter Thread Testifies…

Did you know that the pay gap in Egypt between men and women reached 33% during 2019, while the…

Cinema’s Role in the Life of Refugees: In the Wake of El Gouna Film Festival!

“Life must win” These words, taken from an interview with the business tycoon Naguib Sawiris; the Founder of…

Darren Aronofsky: The Creative Mind Behind Your Favorite Surrealist Thrillers.

We all got very familiar with the name Aronofsky because of his most recent masterclass at the…

Behind the Endurance Festival — Is Somabay A Year-Round Destination?

Having set foot onto the grounds of Somabay, it was clear that it was more than a touristic spot…

Amr Helmy on Marwan Pablo x Shabjadeed: Hire the Experts.

Shabjdeed and Marwan Pablo took the stage in Pablo’s comeback concert last Friday, October 1st, 2021. The concert was met…