
5 YouTube Channels Worth Watching!

Do you remember that moment of boredom when you keep scrolling on your mobile screen to find something to…

Oscar Issac casually attending A “Zar” Show In Downtown Cairo

  Moon Knight’s Oscar Isaac soaking up some Egyptian folklore culture at…

5 New Things To Do Around Cairo Over The Weekend!

We know how tiresome your week could get and how bored of routine you might be. We have been…

NFTs In a Nutshell: Everything You Need To Know!

What on earth are NFTs? And what do they have to do with Bitcoin? Why is everyone making such…

The Space to Prosper: Shababco 3.0

Can you guess another word for Gen Z? The answer is “Entrepreneurial bunch”. When we hear the word “Gen Z”,…

5 Things To Watch For Career-Inspiration This Weekend!

Feeling a little unmotivated about work? Well, we get the same feeling by the end of every business year…

Linking Entrepreneurship With Cinema — Meet Adly Thoma

Naturally, when you picture an entrepreneur in your head, you probably think of a sustainable business. For some reason,…

Nada Salah Amer: A Tale of the Art-Loving Pediatrician!

You may hear about a person who doubled his professional major, shifted his career or, decided to take a…

Marketer Turned International Designer: 3 Career Lessons We Can Learn From Shosha Kamal

While some of us may have known our career choice from infancy, Shosha Kamal took the unorthodox path in…

Capturing Cairo, Modes of Perception and Making a Living as an Illustrator: A Conversation with Artist Nora Zeid

We sat down with the up-and-coming Egyptian illustrator, Nora Zeid, to discuss ‘making it’ as an illustrator, how her…