
Is Your Business Ready for Ramadan? 6 Insights on Consumer Behaviour From Facebook and YouGov

For many businesses, our behavior as consumers during Ramadan 2021 might be unpredictable; it’s only our second (but hopefully…

The Difference Between Life-Coaching and Therapy

One of the biggest misconceptions about the business of life-coaching, is that it is a mask for the business…

The Pressure of Being an Extroverted Introvert in the Workplace and Beyond

Upon meeting me, different people have different perceptions of who I am and I mostly attribute that…

When You’re Becoming a Liability at Work and How to Stop It

I know very well that there comes a time during our professional career where we suddenly seem…

The 3 B’s Workshop: How Metropolitan International Fights Bullying and Builds Empathy

“You’re never going to have a perfect school. And I don’t think it’s necessarily bad to feel some pain….

How Being in an Unhealthy Relationship Can Affect Your Life and Career

Being in an unhealthy relationship can affect your life in major ways. It can affect your mood, your performance…

Your Good Manners are a Critical Business Necessity

A rude attitude is not only bad manners, it’s actually bad for business and unfortunately it’s becoming an ever…

It’s Not The Person That’s Toxic, It’s The Behavior

If you have a gut feeling that something is seriously wrong, if you feel anxious like you’re walking on…