
The Growth Formula: The Required Skills You Need To Know To Make It In The Job Market

Did you ever feel you missed a job opportunity because you weren’t fit for it? Maybe it isn’t nepotism…

Exploring Egypt’s Investment Options

“Rule number one: never lose money, rule number two: never forget rule number one,” CEO of Berkshire…

Why Youth Cultures Play a Major Role in the Development of our Society

What do societies mean when they address youth cultures? What youth are they talking about? Do youth even have…

The Pin Factory: Adam Smith’s Allegory Of Division Of Labor In 2019

Productivity and revenues are some of the key elements that businesses aim to enhance, in order to…

Top students in 1933

An Entrepreneurial Vision: The Past’s Eyes On The Future

In the article “Why are we so curious?”, published by BBC, senior lecturer in psychology and cognitive…

International Monetary Fund Estimates Egypt’s Debt to Decline by 2022

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Egypt’s debt to decline to reach 75% by 2022/2023 if the economic reform…

The Central Bank of Egypt Issues LE 17 Billion in Treasury Bills As Of Today

On behalf of the Ministry of Finance, The Central Bank of Egypt has issued LE 17 billion in treasury…

Business Mogul Naguib Sawiris Thinks Saudi Arabia Isn’t a Place to Invest In

In an exclusive interview with CNBC, Naguib Sawiris overtly declared that Saudi Arabia is not a place he…

Minister of Tourism Rania Al-Mashat Joins Forces with Beautiful Destinations to Breathe New Life into the Country’s Tourism

Among her various efforts to push the wheels of Egypt’s tourism, Rania Al-Mashat, aka the Minister of Tourism, has…

Egypt and Germany sign an Agreement Promoting Economic Partnership

Egypt and Germany have signed an agreement to enhance economic partnerships between them in the fields of industry, trade…