
Director Mohamed Nader Speaks With 925 On The Production of The Psychological Thriller, Al-Harith

Some of the best movies are the ones that have you at the edge of your seat,…

The Journey of the Woman Who Brought Some of the Most Iconic Egyptian Movie Characters to Life

From Youssef Chahine’s ‘Al Mohager’ and ‘Destiny’ to Marwan Hamed’s ‘Ibrahim Labyad’ and ‘The Blue Elephant’, Nahed Nasrallah’s critically…

A Cannes Lions Official Representative of Egypt private screening
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From Cannes To Cairo: The Academy Looking To Elevate Egypt’s Creative Industry And Impose A Social Responsibility On Advertising

Think of your most recent favorite advertisement or campaign and ponder on why…

How The Photographer Covering The Africa Cup Of Nations 2019 Built An Intimate Relationship With The Egyptian National Team

For example, during the team’s training, Mohamed Salah is always smiling and laughing; he is the most cheerful person…

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