
Netflix’s “The Crown” Casts Amir El Masry As Young Billionaire Mohamed El Fayed

Congratulations are in order to our very own Amir El Masry  for his upcoming role in Netflix’s The Crown. In…

Ramadan Nights Just Got More Entertaining and Here’s Why

Last week, I coincidentally heard about a Standup Comedy event through a friend of mine. To be honest, I…

Dame Minouch Shafik Visits AUC To Share Her Inspirational Odyssey

Yesterday was as truly as monumental as it gets. The American University in Egypt hosted the annual Nadia Younes…

English Premier League Club West Ham Investigate Racist Insults Pointed at Mo Salah

A video recently spread like wildfire all over social media, showing a match attendee directing racist insults at Liverpool…

Meet the Man Responsible for Bringing Egypt’s National Dish to the UK

Koshary (also spelled koshari) is to Egyptian food as the pyramids are to its culture. Symbolic. Adored. Absolutely delicious. The…