PepsiCo Egypt

كريم خضر رئيساً لمجلس الإدارة والعضو المنتدب لبيبسيكو مصر

أعلنت مجموعة شركات بيبسيكو مصر، الرائدة في قطاع…

Innovative Media Productions signs a partnership with MBC Media Solutions (MMS) to launch a program on MBC Egypt and Shahid platform

IMP, a leading production company known for producing content that has a significant impact on th

Influential Quotes By Strong Women

Sitting there and listening to the stories of the women who made it…who dreamt and achieved…who struggled…who challenged… AND…

Going To College and Your Career: 4 Successful Egyptians From Diverse Backgrounds Tell Their Story

Figuring out what decisions to make throughout our educational journey in order to have a successful and fulfilling career…