4 Unconventional Ways To Spend Less On Richer Travels

One of the things we could gain, if we’re ready to give up the usually comfortable and conveniently boring holidays, are a bundle of inexpensive and unforgettable experiences abroad.

Here are some of the services and ways that can make your travels richer and more affordable.

Couch Surfing

One of the biggest chunks of traveling expenses usually goes into accommodation. To avoid it, you only need to utilize the old tradition of crashing on someone’s couch for the night. It may sound harsh but it’s a brilliant way to save on sleeping expenses when you’re traveling for a short period of time.

One place where you could familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the concept more is couchsurfing.com. The website has had great success with organizing safe, free accommodation for over 4 million couch-surfers using it.


Here’s how the workaway system works: you go to their website, register for $30 a year and you can find work in return for accommodation and food.

The beauty of Workaway’s visits are that they’re more sustainable than couch surfing and can range from a few days to months.

 Au Pair

This is when you stay with a family in a country you’ve always wanted to travel to. You’d work for and live as part of the family, and that will massively cut down on your traveling expenses.

Apparently, the idea of au pairs might scare some people right away. It’s not for everybody. It also comes with a lot of strings attached. It’s also subject to governmental restrictions that specify your eligibility for it in the destination country.

Volunteering Abroad

This is a bit obvious but it is definitely worth a mention. It maybe true that the hassle of volunteering is not something you want to go through on your time off, but it could be.

When you travel as a volunteer or an intern, it is easy to cut down on traveling expenses.

Omar Amin

Omar is a layman whose self-proclaimed focus is to navigate our post-sell out world with a healthy dose of skepticism.