We often forget to take care of the most important person in all of our lives, ourselves. 2018 was a tough year for many, full of new challenges, responsibilities and rocky roads. I consistently need to slow it all down and remind myself that I’m really all I’ve got. I need to take a minute to breathe, take care of myself and really just reflect on everything happening in my life. Self-care is of the utmost importance and if you aren’t doing it, you’ll end up facing challenges ahead.
Meditate and Reflect

Via Yoga Journal
A mindful way to bring self-care into your 2019 routine is meditation and reflection. You can start by meditating in bed before going to sleep or for a few minutes after waking up, but if you’re facing daily stress, maybe it’s time to set up a little place in your home to relax and count all your blessings.
Digital Detoxing

Via Holiday Bug
This can be as simple as deciding to put your phone on “Do not disturb” mode after a certain time and really giving yourself the space to unwind and stay away from anything that may cause you stress and anxiety. I have personally made a new rule for myself, which is not answering any work related texts or calls after 10 p.m. If someone is texting you that late, it’s time for you to set your boundaries and make it known that you’re not available around the clock.
Preparing Healthy Homemade Meals

Via Brand Relations
After surviving the holiday season full of delicious fatty foods, healthy eating is almost welcomed the minute the clock strikes 12 and the weeks of drinking and desserts finally come to an end. Treat yourself to healthy home cooked meals and give your system the break it deserves.
Start a Gratitude Journal

Via Erin Condren
Keeping a gratitude journal allows room for positivity to wash over you in the New Year. If Oprah Winfrey can maintain her busy lifestyle and dedicate time to write in her gratitude journal every day for over a decade, so can you.
Catch Up on Some Reading

Via Shopify
Has all of your recent reading been strictly academic or work related? This year, dedicate some time to curling up with a book that you actually enjoy reading. When was the last time you read purely for fun?
Discover New Music

Via Shutterstock
Find new music that makes you feel happy to be alive! Customize different playlists for yourself according to your mood. Music can instantly help you shift out of a negative space.