Your Good Manners are a Critical Business Necessity

A rude attitude is not only bad manners, it’s actually bad for business and unfortunately it’s becoming an ever growing problem in the workplace.

I can tell you that on a personal level, I’m actually pretty pleasant to be around. When it comes to work, however, I keep my circle tight. I’m not the type of co-worker who goes around smiling and waving at everyone, handing out free morning hugs and laughter. I keep to myself and smile politely but I will not necessarily stop to converse with anyone and make small talk. It’s a different case with my team because they are literally closer to me than family and they get to see the real raw version of me. Everyone else gets an uptight introverted version of me. That being said, I’m always polite because my parents raised me properly and it’s a given. I don’t raise my voice, speak inappropriately, hurt anyone’s feelings, make anyone cry or make people feel uncomfortable in my presence. Long story short, I will always mind my own business around my other office colleagues.

Everyday impoliteness can spread throughout the work place like wild fire, impacting people and how they feel when they come to work. Rudeness has an extremely powerful negative effect on people. A routinely compulsive, nagging and loud employee can bring down the entire energy of the office, putting everyone on the edge and creating unnecessary tension and drama.

This type of bad behavior makes the workplace uncomfortable and intolerable. Especially on a managerial level, being rude to your employees can lead to lower performance, wasted time, and an increase of people making decisions to leave the company.

Business etiquette circulates around proper communication and having your voice heard without being straight up rude and narcissistic. The entire point of having a team is to build positive relationships that enable the best outcome for business.

Always draw your lines and don’t tolerate disrespect from anyone, and I mean anyone. Always foster an environment of respect and respectful interaction. Encourage your co-workers to praise, motivate and inspire each other instead of tearing each other down. Counterproductive distractions, drama and office politics can negatively affect your organization’s work flow and make people hate to deal with you.

Being rude to someone does not just mean swearing at them or punching them in the face. It’s as simple as how your messages are delivered verbally, your tone of voice, your body language and your facial expressions.  Always note that how you say something, is just as important as what you say.

It’s a smart idea for businesses to invest in training to enhance communication and team building skills for both employees and management. Always encourage a culture of civility and respect in your place of employment and do not tolerate disrespect any under circumstance. You’re not a slave, you’re a self-respecting human being.

I treat everyone with respect and expect the same. If someone disrespects me, I will always act accordingly, how I see fit, no matter the consequences.

Mariam El Nakkadi

One simply does not mess with Mariam. Blessed with the glam of a Serena van der Woodsen and the wrath of a killer dog from a Stephen King novel, she -- again -- is not to be messed with. Her love for memes knows no boundaries and her passion for work, especially when she dons her working glasses, is astonishing as 925's Associate Editor.