10 Tips for Women Traveling from Abroad to Egypt for the First Time

When I’m not working in communications for one of the country’s top banks, I tend to love to write (which is what I’m doing now) and travel a lot — it is something that I have always enjoyed doing since I was 14. The experience of traveling, however, has been a blessing because of Girl Gone International. What’s that, you say? It’s a global movement where over 120,000 from all around the world help other women feel more at home in adopted cities. I am grateful to say that I have been Girl Gone Cairo’s community manager since 2016.

I’ve enjoyed being a member of an amazing league of women who love to travel, discover new places, and enjoy being global citizens. We are all expats who have moved away from our original hometowns to work or study; and it is always nice to know that there is someone out there, similar to your background who can provide you with useful tips.

In this article, I’ve decided to shares some tips that I have come to acquire over the years for expat lady-readers living in Egypt, with a special focus on Cairo. This guide is tailored to help you girls get a better and fresher look on living in this part of the world.

1- We are crazy about soccer. Mohamed Salah, aka our national treasure, is your key word to everything!

2- The country enjoys an average standard of living and is cheap ($1 is equivalent to 17.8 LE). You can enjoy living a high quality of life easily with original brands available all over, or enjoy spending wisely. Your choice, your money as I say.

3- Average rent ($500-$2000) per month and you can find good places with amazing views and in central areas, as well as get flat mates if needed, all through Facebook groups (Need a Flat in Cairo Group for example). Try to rent close to your workplace to avoid traffic hustle.

4- Yes, traffic is horrible. It is as you hear. There are many cars, buses and motorcycles driving like crazy and are noisy. It is a jungle. Not bicycle-friendly at all. We have underground metros, taxis, Ubers and private cars, and you can walk on foot to enjoy the city should you wish, but the heat will not help you much in the mornings. The best time to enjoy the city is late nights, early mornings and on weekends. Less traffic and quieter.

5- We are an open-minded conservative country. I know there is a paradox here, but you would only understand this when you actually live with the people here and become part of the Egyptian society. We have a nightlife scene and clubs with belly dancers and alcohol served, but you do not walk around in the streets drinking or enjoy a walk back home in mini-skirts.

6- In fashion, they say “dress appropriately to every occasion.” It is the simple fashion tip/dress code to living in Egypt. You can freely wear whatever you want depending on the place you will go to. Comfortable is my advice at all times.

7- We have lots of stray cats and dogs in Egypt. You can get your own pet easily (depending on your landlord). Pet shops are available everywhere as well. You can also move your own pets to Egypt if they have up-to-date vaccinations and a general health certificate. The Egyptian Embassy in your country would surely assist with needed papers.

8- EVERYTHING can be delivered to your doorstep. From groceries to medical needs, everything is available only a phone call away from you. A privilege you will not enjoy in many countries.

9- Travel all over the country in every occasion you get. The country has diverse destinations that are breathtaking and rich in history. Weekend getaways are perfect for such trips, especially from Cairo. There are young start-up travel companies that organize such discoveries. Another opportunity to meet-up with new people through those travel groups to various destinations (local and international by the way) such as (Gazef, Trippin’ Adventures, Wild Guanoabana). You can also plan your own trips of course with the help of any Egyptian friend you know.

10- Egyptian food is yummy food. From koshari to shish kababs, we have a diverse cuisine that fits all tastes in addition to international cuisines. Koshari, which is our national dish, consists of a bowl of lentils, rice, macaroni, mixed together with a special tomato sauce and savory crispy onions on top!

Egypt is another country that easily fit the GGI norm “Your home away from home.” Egyptian people are kind and funny. They laugh a lot, you will see. You need to be someone who is flexible, open to new experience and above all, make your own impression. Be safe and alert like you do always in any country that is foreign to you. Sole travelers know what I mean.

Remember ladies, let the journey be your home and happy international living! To know more about GGI click here.

Sherin Morad

Sherin is an Egyptian with Italian family roots. Born in Jeddah, KSA, and raised in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria; she worked at various international organizations and enjoys traveling between Europe and Africa. She got her MA in International Relations & Diplomacy from DIU Libertas in Croatia and her BA in English Literature from Alexandria University. She is currently working and living in Cairo.