Life has a way of sucking our mental batteries dry. We all go through patches where physically, we’re present in the room but mentally, far far away from here. The funny thing is that the brain works in mysterious ways, it has a way of protecting itself, for example, when I find myself pushing my mental capacity to its limit, that’s when my body starts to fail me and I get physically sick. Mental wellness plays a very big role in our physical wellness and I learned that the hard way.
In today’s fast-paced world, being busy seems like something to be proud of. Between working all day, eating on the run, and having little time for fun and relaxation, we feel mentally exhausted almost all the time! and that is not okay. That’s why I compiled a checklist of things I do when i’m feeling a little overwhelmed with everything and I’m here to share it with you. Everything on this list has personally helped me maintain my sanity on rough days.
Hot Bath

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Can I take a moment to say how grateful I am for hot baths! It literally feels like a warm hug and it’s extremely effective in calming my mind down. After a heated argument with my boss or my parents, I usually soak myself in some hot water and it does wonders to my mental health.
Social Media Break

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I’ve been off of Instagram for about a week now and I already feel so much better. Sometimes taking a break from comparing your life to others, can do wonders to your mental health, even if it’s just for an hour or two.
Do Something Artsy

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Color, paint, draw, do something artsy and I guarantee you will end up feeling ten times better. Art is an excellent way to help soothe an exhausted mind. Many bookstores also carry coloring books with complex patterns designed specifically as a stress reducer.

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Writing is a great way to help reduce stress by expressing your feelings and letting them all out. Try to write for at least five minutes a day, at the start or end of each day. Doing so can also help you sort through any problems you might be facing.
Light Candles

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Do not under estimate the power of candles. Some studies have shown that specific aromatherapy candles bring about neurochemical changes in the body that make us feel more energized, less stressed, clear minded, and also helps with managing pain.
Cook Your Own Meal

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I’m personally not a person who likes cooking, it’s just not my thing; but there is something about cooking your own meal that’s very therapeutic. It’s a good exercise for relieving stress and you end up with a full stomach.