How to Stay Productive at Work When a Personal Crisis Is Taking Over Your Life

I always made my career a top priority, with no doubt I’m a pro at honoring my professional commitments and continually striving for excellence. That however does not mean that at times I do not lie and call in sick because I’m dealing with a personal problem, that makes it impossible for me to get out of bed, fake a smile, and work like nothing is wrong. You really never know what your coworker goes through every day, we’re all fighting a certain battle no one knows of. If you’re a person that’s going through something, you name it: grief, loss, anxiety, a breakup, here are some tips for you.

Give Yourself Space

Yes, take a break. If you’re not feeling okay, do not go to work, stay home, and heal on your own. Do not guilt trip yourself, this exactly what you should be doing. Work can literally wait, put yourself first please. Which takes us to the next point.

Practice Self-Compassion

Getting back into a groove at work after experiencing a major life shock can be challenging, so remember to treat yourself with kindness. A personal crisis can throw off your focus, so if you’re noticing brain fog, don’t berate yourself for not being productive enough, accept that it’s only temporary and do what you can within your current limits. When you’re short on mental energy, breaking projects down into small, manageable, and easily attainable milestones can help sustain your focus. Maybe, for example, you make a goal of completing four tasks on your to-do list, by working towards realistic goals, you give yourself a shot of positive reinforcement that encourages you to stay focused throughout the day.

Don’t ignore feelings, but don’t be controlled by feelings

This one is important and may be a little tricky to master. You should not try to ignore your feelings and avoid them because they will creep up at unwelcoming times. However, you should also not be controlled by your emotions. For example, if your emotions are telling you that you must know what your ex is doing throughout the day and you are feeling the urge to check his social media every 15 minutes, you will need to train yourself to not do this and control your emotions, don’t let yourself be controlled by them. Simply put, allow yourself to process your emotions at appropriate times and in appropriate ways.

Make plans after work

If you feel super alone during your time outside of work, that emotional distress might seep into your office life. Schedule lots of things to do, from movies with friends, to dinner with family, to taking a new course. Schedule yourself three or four nights a week out so that you have lots of things to look forward to. And as cheesy as this sounds “This too shall pass” no pain stays forever, this is temporary. Stay safe stranger.

Ahd Emad

A walking mystery and an introverted extrovert. Writing has always been soul-steering for Ahd, mainly because her diary has been her best friend for the past 10 years. As a Staff Writer at 925, she loves to shed light and spread awareness on necessary topics that would be considered taboo. She takes mental health very, very seriously and always makes time to listen to other people, making her a small therapist at heart.