Why Travelling Needs To Be Included In Your Dictionary of Self Care

A phrase that has come to light in recent years and probably coined by a bunch of cool millennials is ‘Self Care’ and it’s here for the win. It’s a generally broad term that means a lot of different things to different people and can entail almost anything. What works for one person, might not necessarily work for another and that’s totally ok. Whether your form of self-care is exercising or getting a much-needed massage, as long as you’re putting yourself first and taking a step back from your everyday routine to focus on improving your overall well-being, then you’re probably headed in the right direction.

For many, however, travelling is what keeps them sane and grounded. It’s a no-brainer that a vacation (or staycation) can do wonders for your mental health when your mind, body, and soul are anxiously awaiting a break. Here are a few reasons why booking yourself a trip can actually help you live your best life and be your best self. Can I get a Yas Kween! After all, if you don’t look out for yourself, who will?

Why Travel

Just like meditation or exercise, travel is therapeutic and helps us get through tough times whilst giving us amazing memories and new experiences. To all my fellow Egyptians, spring break is coming up and it’s probably time for you to plan a trip and just unwind. It’s pretty hard to be anxious or stressed when you’re about to embark on an adventure. There’s no other choice than to be present while traveling, and the future shouldn’t be a thought in my mind.

Improve Your Self-Awareness

Getting lost in a new city, especially when traveling on your own, can really help open up your mind to what you want in life and help you grow as a person. Whether it becomes a motivation to set new goals or just serve as validation that you’re happy with where you’re at, travel gives you time to set aside your worries and just focus on yourself.

Embracing Change

Packing your bags and going on a trip automatically gives you a sense of positive change and hopefulness. A different time zone, new languages and culture, get thrown into the mix and voila, you feel like something wonderful this way comes. Learning to embrace the unexpected changes and uncertainty that come along with travel, will generally help you in everyday life.

Inspiration and Creativity

When traveling, you’re usually happier, lighter and more energized for life. Meeting new people, seeing unfamiliar places, tasting unique foods, and immersing yourself in different cultures can spark a type of inspiration that is unmatched. Take the initiative to let yourself go and take in your surroundings, I’m sure it will leave you with a fresh state of mind and new ideas.

Broaden your Horizons

Travel is a learning experience like no other. It broadens your mind and makes you put yourself in the shoes of other people. One of the best gifts you can receive from travelling is acceptance towards people who may not be similar to you. Learn to embrace things and get ready to broaden your horizons.

Mariam El Nakkadi

One simply does not mess with Mariam. Blessed with the glam of a Serena van der Woodsen and the wrath of a killer dog from a Stephen King novel, she -- again -- is not to be messed with. Her love for memes knows no boundaries and her passion for work, especially when she dons her working glasses, is astonishing as 925's Associate Editor.