Everything You Need To Know About This Year’s oksoundsgood Launch Event

In a nutshell, oksoundsgood is a new and unique concert experience delivered through murals, art installations, live visual projections, lights and live music performances. The event is hosted by Startup Haus Cairo, which is basically a home to work spaces, services, amenities and collaborations, bringing together a vibrant community where you can exchange ideas, knowledge and inspiration.

If you have an artistic side, whether in music, painting, photography, graphic design or you’re just simply into art, you should not miss this event, since you’ll be grooving with the artistic shakers of Cairo. We guarantee that your jaw will drop at the scenery of this event, taking you beyond all the boundaries of mainstream.

The team behind oksoundsgood were also part of the biggest events to ever exist in Egypt like the Rise Up Summit, Sofar Sounds, Oshtoora, 3al Ganoub, Cairo Jazz Festival, EL-Gouna Film Festival, Sandbox, and 6ix Degrees’ events.

Brb while I get my ticket!

Ahd Emad

A walking mystery and an introverted extrovert. Writing has always been soul-steering for Ahd, mainly because her diary has been her best friend for the past 10 years. As a Staff Writer at 925, she loves to shed light and spread awareness on necessary topics that would be considered taboo. She takes mental health very, very seriously and always makes time to listen to other people, making her a small therapist at heart.

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