Is Making Money From Home the Future?

I think it’s safe to say that most millennials can relate to Drake when he says “I only love my bed and my mama, I’m sorry.”

Via Giphy

Think about how your life would change if you didn’t have to wake up at 9 am and leave at 5 pm every day. If you didn’t have to go to work anymore and made all the money you need from home. If you finally have the chance to kill your boring routine and find more time to do different things. Think about all the expenses that could be saved from gas to car maintenance to clothes expenses, and how you’ll be able to allocate your salary on things that actually matter!

With the rise of the digital world and as we increasingly rely more on the Internet, it’s now easier than ever to make money from home, so we have to ask ourselves ‘why is making money from home not a thing yet?’

Via Giphy

A research was conducted by Stanford economics professor, Nicholas Bloom, about how working from home makes you happier and more efficient. The research took place amongst 250 people, all working the same job for the same company. They were divided into two groups, one group was told to work from home for 9 months and one was told to come into the office for 9 months. The results showed a big win for the stay at home crowd where employees were able to: save more money per year, become 13.5% more efficient, reported shorter breaks and fewer sick days, become 9% more efficient (in terms of time each hour they were logged into the company’s system and doing their jobs).

So what does this actually tell us? Can this actually mean that companies will now become more flexible in allowing their employees to work from home? Since results show positive outcomes from working at home and employees achieve better living standards, why not reconsider the traditional 9 to 5 office hours?

Rana Awadalla

When she's not busy breaking down gender roles or writing about feminism, sexism and all the isms that exist at the workplace as 925's Staff Writer, you'll find her by a beach somewhere listening to Lana Del Rey and reading a book.