Would You Work for a Boss Who Is Younger Than You?

Having a colleague from a completely different generation is not an easy matter, especially if the age gap is quite big. But having a younger boss? Now that’s a whole different story!

We sat down with a few individuals to gather diverse opinions on the matter, and astonishingly, some of these people think it’s completely normal for the employee to be twice the age of their boss. Find out what they said below.

How do you feel when you report to someone who’s younger than you?

Pro: I honestly don’t think it’s a problem at all no matter the age difference. At the end of the day, they’re my boss for a reason. They’re either very well accredited, or it’s a family business. That won’t stop me from doing my job.

Con: Well, it varies. If it’s a year or two, then it’s not that big of a deal, but if, for example, I’m 40 and my boss is 27, then that’s awkward. Like, I don’t know how to go up to them and ask for a raise or even a vacation. Under no circumstances will I accept that a kid has the authority to criticize me.

Could you call someone younger than you “sir” and find it normal?

Pro: Of course, why not? Sir isn’t only for someone who is older than you. My father is older than the president, but if he ever meets him, he’ll call him sir — there’s no shame in that. We all have our time, people reach places faster than others. It doesn’t make me feel less about myself.

Con: Are you kidding me? So you expect me to call someone that is my son’s age that? Why? That’s disrespect. Our culture ensures that you call the elderly sir, not the other way around!

Would you ask a boss that’s younger than you for a raise?

Pro: If I deserve it then definitely, I don’t get how their age will stop me for demanding my rights. Age is just a number.

Con: Age is just a what? How about I ask my son to give me an allowance? What is this nonsense?

What would you do if your boss called you out on something wrong that you did?

Pro: I would allow it from my coworker because constructive criticism is healthy. Nobody is perfect, and they’re just doing their job.

Con: *Sarcastically laughs* This is exactly why the new generation have no respect for the elderly. Di esmaha elet adab, w mafish ehteram l far2 el sen.


Let us know what your opinion is on the matter via the comments section below.

Ahd Emad

A walking mystery and an introverted extrovert. Writing has always been soul-steering for Ahd, mainly because her diary has been her best friend for the past 10 years. As a Staff Writer at 925, she loves to shed light and spread awareness on necessary topics that would be considered taboo. She takes mental health very, very seriously and always makes time to listen to other people, making her a small therapist at heart.