Makeup Tips You Need For Office Life And Beyond

Makeup is usually a hassle within itself and can often leaving you doubting your appearance. Am I over doing it? Is it too much for where I’m going? Too little? Should I go for a bit more?

We asked the experts at Caroline Beauty on makeup tips for work and beyond.

Makeup at a corporate VS makeup at an agency

You’d think that the makeup you could wear if you work at an agency would be more fun, but actually no. Work is work wherever it is, so you should stick to the simplest makeup, which is usually your daily ‘no makeup- makeup’; the type of makeup that just enhances your own features and doesn’t even look like you’re wearing makeup at all. You should stick to the basics: concealer, mascara, a bit of blush and nude lips or lip balm.


Meeting an important client

Keeping it simple is always the key to makeup at work, and meeting an important client is no exception. It might seem like you want to be more “glammed up” to look more presentable, but no, you could still be on point with minimal makeup. In this case, you should go for simple makeup that still brings out your beauty. It could be a little bit more than the daily work makeup but still without exaggeration. In this case, a bit of eye shadow or eyeliner is fine, BUT still a minimal amount.


Work related event

Nothing too extravagant, but it should go from nudes to colors that are a bit more lively. It’s a celebration, yes, but keep in mind it’s a work celebration at the end of the day.

Via Ali Andreea Youtube channel

Work related event outside the work place

The first thing that comes to mind is probably ‘go crazy with makeup! Wear bold shades, it’s a celebration outside work! Yeah, but it’s still related to work. It turns out, the type of makeup you wear depends on the nature of the event itself and the people you deal with inside event. The place you’re going shouldn’t affect how you look as much as the people you’re meeting there. The makeup you should go for is the same as the makeup you’d wear at a work event taking place at work place.


Going to a party right after work

This is a struggle that we all faced before, ladies. But we don’t have to pick between looking like a clown at work, or looking dead at a party. The best solution is to take some of the main makeup products you need, and retouch right before leaving work and heading to the party.


Menna El Gendy

Menna has been pouring out bits and pieces of her world on paper, even before realizing she wanted to become a writer. In a world of her own, drifting through the crowds, Menna is a mixture of strong opinions, stubbornness and colliding energy. She always chooses to explore the taboo and strange but is most interested in exploring the human side of the stories she scours after; and she isn’t afraid to do so.