Empowered Women in Tech: An Interview with Selina Bieber, Vice President of International Markets at GoDaddy

  1. Can you share with us some brief insights into your journey from studying international studies and media to becoming the Vice President of International Markets at GoDaddy?

As I look back to when I started, it’s been an exciting and fulfilling journey of learning, discovery, and development. My academic background equipped me with an understanding of the global business and geopolitical landscape, as well as the applications of marketing and communications. I love to learn, and I am still studying today as I am completing a Doctorate in Business Administration at the International School of Management. I feel that asking questions and challenging myself to understand new things helps me be a better leader.

Before becoming Vice President for International Markets, I led GoDaddy’s Commercial Strategy team for International Markets, focusing on product development and operational optimization. Over my eight-year tenure, I held various roles, including launching several international markets, notably MENA. As leading MENA, I empowered regional businesses and solidified GoDaddy’s reputation as a trusted partner for small businesses and entrepreneurs. My diverse experience in cross-functional roles within the international business prepared me for my current role overseeing GoDaddy’s operations in international where I manage the GoDaddy business in multiple markets across Africa, Asia, LATAM and Europe.

In my current role my primary focus is on driving business growth and evolution in this broad set of markets in line with our customers’ needs, as they navigate the complexities of the digital landscape. By leading a global team, I am committed to ensuring the seamless delivery of our products and services to entrepreneurs all over the world.

I am appreciative of the opportunity to play a role in GoDaddy’s mission to empower entrepreneurs worldwide, ensuring that opportunities are inclusive for all and that we deliver expert support to our customers.


  1. What are some of the unique challenges you face as a woman in a leadership role in the tech industry, especially in the UAE?

I’ve spent much of my career in male-dominated industries in varying geographies – all of which have an impact on my leadership roles. I started in infrastructure as the youngest employee in one of the leading companies in Turkiye, where I was only just getting comfortable with the language. I had the task of establishing the corporate communications and marketing department from scratch, so had to lobby across several teams to gain trust at such a young age and be taken seriously as a woman. This role was challenging but taught me a lot about myself: particularly confidence in following through with conviction, upholding professional ethics, managing risk across stakeholders, and engaging with peers or superiors to drive action. I became a bit fearless and to this day, I still have a strong tie with my peers and former CEO because of this learning curve.

Throughout my career, I’ve encountered various challenges, one of which surprised me most: the lack of support among women. While I’ve always rallied my peers, regardless of gender, this experience was an eye-opener. This, combined with the need to manage complex relationships with peers who were not always acting most professionally, pushed me to rely on the lessons learned in my first job: staying true to myself and fostering genuine connections.

Authenticity is key. I’ve gotten to where I am today through hard work, continuous learning, and commanding respect through genuine relationships, active listening, and a commitment to deepening knowledge – about specific topics, the business, clients, and everything relevant to the task at hand. However, balancing my personal and professional life, especially as a mother, and trying to also pursue other things, remains a work in progress. There is no “balance”. It’s still a challenge and I think it will continue to be, but I’m transparent about it.

Moreover, living in the UAE makes a big difference. Last year, I had dinner with a friend who recently moved back to her home country with her two children, one still a baby. One of the first things she said was how much she missed the support network she once had here in Dubai. I completely understood. Having lived in many different countries, I can confidently say that the UAE stands out in its genuine support for working mothers to pursue careers and have a family in parallel. This supportive environment has been instrumental in my own success, while also being supported by GoDaddy’s commitment to work-life balance – it allows me to be present for my son most days, which is the most valuable gift of my career. Finally, I believe that challenges have fueled my determination to succeed and break barriers for other women in the industry. My focus remains on continuously developing my capabilities and expertise, proving myself through excellence and active engagement, and not questioning my presence based solely on gender.


  1. How do you approach developing business strategies for new growth markets, and what are some key factors you consider in scaling and developing solutions for these markets?

When approaching the development of business strategies for new growth markets, GoDaddy prioritizes a holistic tailored approach using the following techniques:

  1. Alignment and Focus: We take time to design a long-term strategy for the GoDaddy business and define how this will take shape across our business units, teams, and regions to ensure that the entire organization is working towards the same goals and resources, processes, and people are aligned.
  2. Research to Align with our Customer Needs: We understand that staying in sync with our 21 million customers worldwide is crucial. That’s why we use a multi-layered approach to research their needs. Starting with analyzing our own internal data for usage patterns and customer feedback to help identify what’s working well, how people are getting value from our products, and where we might need to improve. We also incorporate insights from third-party research to gain a broader understanding of the market and industry trends.
  3. Experimentation Culture: At GoDaddy, we believe in fostering a culture of continuous improvement through experimentation. We’ve developed a structured approach to guide teams through this process, encouraging them to form clear hypotheses, meticulously measure data, build experiments, and iterate on their findings based on the results. However, while we recognize that not every idea will be a global game-changer and that some solutions may be valuable in specific markets or regions, we prioritize building scalable frameworks that can work across various products and platforms.


  1. Could you elaborate on your experience navigating profit and loss while working to accelerate business growth and brand equity at GoDaddy?

At GoDaddy, our mission is to empower entrepreneurs and make opportunities more inclusive for all while ensuring profitable growth and long-term shareholder value. We achieve this by focusing on value creation for our customers and managing our financials strategically. We innovate on our software platform and seek to be a brand of trusted partners for entrepreneurs following their passions and bringing their ideas to life.


  1. As someone who has worked across different industries and managed communications activities for various clients, what are some lessons you’ve learned about building successful brand equity?

Building successful brand equity is a complex and ongoing process that requires strategic planning, consistent messaging, and a deep understanding of the target audience. Drawing from my experience at GoDaddy across diverse industries for a wide range of clients, I can highlight several key lessons to build successful brand equity:

  1. Understand your market and audience: For a successful brand, understanding the market and audience is crucial. Conduct market research, engage customers, and analyze their behavior to help discern their needs and preferences.
  2. Consistency is Key: Consistent brand messaging, visuals, and customer experience are vital for brand equity. Maintain uniformity in conveying your brand’s values, tone, and visuals across all channels, such as your website, social media, ads, and interactions. This helps to foster trust and aids in brand recognition and recall.
  3. Put the Customer First: Building brand equity starts with prioritizing customer satisfaction. At GoDaddy, we believe in developing products and services that not only meet needs but also enhance the overall experience. This can foster loyalty and advocacy, two key drivers of brand equity.
  4. Tell a Compelling Brand Story: Craft a compelling brand story to set your brand apart from the competition and forge an emotional bond with your audience. Develop a narrative that conveys your brand’s mission, values, and distinctive offerings. Employ storytelling methods to captivate and engage your audience, fostering a sense of connection to your brand.
  5. Build Authentic Relationships: Establishing genuine relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders is essential for brand equity. Encourage open communication, listen to feedback, and engage with your audience on social media. Building trust and authentic connections fosters brand advocates who spread positive word-of-mouth.
  6. Embrace data-driven decision-making: Use data to guide brand strategy and decisions. Analyze customer insights, market trends, and performance metrics to spot growth opportunities. Data-driven decisions help optimize brand performance and maintain a competitive edge.

By incorporating these lessons into branding strategies, businesses can effectively build and strengthen brand equity, positioning themselves for long-term success and growth.


  1. How do you ensure a customer-centric end-to-end CX journey in the international markets you oversee?

I should start by mentioning that embracing a customer-centric mindset is paramount at GoDaddy. In my role overseeing international markets at GoDaddy, ensuring a customer-centric journey is at the forefront of everything we do. We believe in empowering small businesses to thrive online, and that goes beyond simply offering products.

At GoDaddy, we prioritize deep customer understanding. This involves leveraging a data-driven approach, analyzing product and site usage, feedback loops, and insights from frontline employee roundtables.

We also foster a culture of innovation with a strong emphasis on collaboration. We create an empowering work environment where employee and customer feedback are actively sought and valued. Additionally, cross-functional collaboration across departments allows us to share ideas, leading to the development of innovative solutions that truly address customer needs.

Finally, we define customer success through their active engagement and usage of our products and services. By prioritizing these key elements, GoDaddy remains committed to adapting to ever-changing customer needs and driving innovation that resonates with our international markets. Our unwavering focus on customer-centricity allows us to maintain our position as a market leader.


  1. What advice would you give to other women aspiring to leadership roles in the tech industry or other male-dominated fields?

As someone who has navigated the tech industry and other male-dominated fields, I’d love to share some advice for aspiring women leaders. Firstly, believing in yourself is crucial. Recognize your worth, skills, and capabilities. Trust in your abilities and don’t shy away from taking risks or pursuing leadership opportunities. Also, building a strong support network is essential. Surround yourself with mentors, sponsors, and peers who can offer guidance and encouragement. Seek out role models who have successfully navigated similar paths and learn from their experiences.

Additionally, it’s important to embrace a growth mindset and be open to continuous learning and development. View setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning, and always stay curious and willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Furthermore, don’t hesitate to advocate for yourself and your achievements. Promote your skills and experiences confidently and ensure that your voice is heard in professional settings. Lastly, discover and embrace your own authentic leadership style. Recognize that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to leadership, and lead with integrity and authenticity.


  1. How do you balance your professional responsibilities with personal interests and well-being?

They say achieving “balance” is a myth, and I wouldn’t disagree. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a fulfilling life to be found beyond the constant pursuit of it. For me, the key is owning my plan and setting clear boundaries and understanding the power of that.

Transparency is crucial. My colleagues have access to my calendar, which shows both tentative slots for meetings and “hard blocks” ensuring I get at least two nights a week with my son. Work after he goes to bed is fine, but those blocks are non-negotiable. It means prioritizing and maybe saying no to some social events, but it also means consciously choosing to dedicate time to work, family, study, and fitness – all things that are important to me.

Weekends are sacred. Whether it’s exploring art, being outdoors, taking care of myself, or sharing good food with friends, I strive to make every weekend fulfilling. So, by Sunday night, I can look back and say, “That was a good weekend.”

Technology helps too. Tools like Todoist and Trello keep me organized, and I’m exploring how AI can make life easier.

But it’s not all about productivity hacks. Having a strong network of friends, family, mentors, and colleagues is essential. Their support and shared experiences can truly help alleviate the pressure of juggling responsibilities.

And there are some non-negotiables:

  • “Me time.” Giving myself a break from the “mom role” and doing things I enjoy is essential.
  • Fitness. Starting my day with a run, yoga, or even a family hike since my son is old enough helps me clear my head and recharge. The silence of the Wadi’s here in the UAE is my real-life version of Simon and Garfunkel’s Sound of Silence.
  • Sleep. It’s something I’ve become more mindful of recently. A well-rested body and mind are always more productive than an exhausted one.
  • My son. I strive to be there for him every day, from our daily walks and talks after school to attending his sporting events. These moments of conversation around his school or life ground me and remind me what truly matters.

In the end, it’s about making conscious choices, being aware of myself and my needs. Sure, there are sacrifices, but the trade-off is a life filled with purpose, connection, and moments that truly matter. And that, for me, is more rewarding than any elusive state of “balance.”