The Daunting Fear of Workplace Bullies

If you are one of those people who have to wake up in the morning, go into the office and deal with a bully, then I hope this can help you in a small way.

Bullying is always a completely different experience for everyone. You have either experienced being a bully, or you’ve experienced the other end of the spectrum. If you are the bully, then you need to get off your laptop or your phone RIGHT NOW and look for a way to figure out what’s causing you to lash out on people who don’t deserve to feed off of your negativity. These people have their own problems to deal with just as much as you, the only difference is they know they need to be kind to everyone, including you.

Being bullied in high school is one thing, its a maturity phase that people go through until they find themselves. That isn’t to say its right, or it should be acceptable. Nevertheless, its a time for people to learn from their mistakes. Once you reach the phase of adulthood and you go to work and you experience bullies, then it becomes a serious issue. Whether its a co-worker, an employer, your boss, or the CEO, it should not be tolerated. Its a lack of security, and a lack of comfort. You’re in constant fear of what that person is going to say. What are they going to blame you for next? As someone who is kind, you are an easy target for angry people because they want what you have. They want to be as comfortable in their own skin as you are, and they want to be at peace with themselves. They’re not, they just don’t have the guts to admit it. So they compensate by trying to prove to you that they’re better than you.

Working under the pressure of a boss is hard, working under the pressure of a bully is even worse. The important thing is to make sure your work quality is not affected by your discomfort. You can thrive under stress and you can thrive even when someone tries to bring you down. That’s what you need to keep telling yourself and that’s what should push you to move forward. Concentrate on the people who appreciate you at work and work close to them so that they can give you the confidence you need, when you need it. On the other hand, your approval is the only one that matters. So if you know you’re working hard and you’re doing the best you can, then keep doing you, and drown out any unnecessary noise around you.

Don’t ever lose who you are, don’t let anyone change you, and don’t listen to what anyone says about you. Feed off of the people who hate you and want to bring you down, keep building yourself and focus on yourself.

Zeina Hesham

An eccentric graphic designer and style icon in her own right, Zeina is the co-founder of a fashion brand, a university student and a part time 925-er. Alongside creating all of our visuals and creative design concepts, Zeina channels her outburst of creativity into writing and speaking her mind on topics such as finding your passion, responsibility at a young age and women empowerment. Oh and she also spreads positive vibes and big smiles all throughout the day. The world needs more of people like Zeina.